Good Food and What to Avoid When Pain Tipes


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Tipes or medical language called typhoid fever is an infection that attacks the digestive system due to Salmonella typhi bacteria. This bacteria enters the body through contaminated food or drink. If you have this disease, there are some foods for typhoid that may or may not be consumed. Anything?

Food for typhoid is recommended

1. Soft food

Because typhoid is a type of disease that infects the digestive system, you are advised to eat soft, mushy and fruitful foods. This is done so that the food is easier to digest.

Because the digestive system of people who experience typhus is in an unfavorable condition and needs time in the healing process. In addition, the provision of soft and soft food is also to avoid bleeding complications in the intestine and intestinal perforation (holes in the intestinal wall appear).

2. Foods high in protein

Protein is very beneficial for the body because it serves as a source of energy and building materials that function in the growth and maintenance of damaged tissue. Well, for people who experience typhoid, food intake that is high in protein is very necessary to speed up the healing process and improve the immune system. This is because protein can repair body cells damaged by infection.

Some good protein sources for people with typhoid include chicken breast, chicken liver, eggs, fish, tofu, and tempeh.

As explained earlier, this food should be made softer and smaller in size. You can boil it or make it into soup or steamed it. Avoid cooking methods by frying. Frying these food products will make it harder and harder to digest by the digestion of people with typhoid pain.

3. Low-fiber foods

Based on the results of a study published in the American Journal of Nursing, one of the taboos that should not be consumed temporarily by people who are sick with typhus is eating foods that contain high levels of fiber. The reason is, foods that contain high fiber are difficult to digest and can irritate your already inflamed intestines.

If you want to consume fruits and vegetables, you are advised to consume fruits and vegetables that have low fiber content. Types of fruits and vegetables that are low in fiber, but still have important vitamins and minerals including long beans, asparagus, young beans, tomatoes, broccoli, chayote, carrots, bananas, melons, apricots and avocados. You can also eat foods that are low in fiber, such as pasta, white rice, potatoes, bread, etc.

increase appetite

Foods for typhoid should be avoided

Spicy food is really appetizing, but this type of food should be avoided by people with typhoid. Tipes make your intestines hurt due to bacterial infection with Salmonella Typhi.

Well, spicy food will make the digestive organs, especially the intestine, experience a burning sensation until there is swelling or maybe bleeding. This of course will make things worse and prolong the healing process of typhus itself.

In addition to spicy food, there are other foods and drinks that should be avoided when exposed to tips, namely:

  • High-fat foods such as coconut milk, fried foods, junk food, and so on.
  • Eat raw, like sushi and salads (without boiling).
  • Eat sharp spices.
  • Fast food.
  • Caffeinated drinks, soda and alcohol.

In addition to paying attention to food, don't forget to fill your fluid intake

Tipes cause diarrhea symptoms. That is why people who experience typhoid are prone to dehydration. Don't forget your body's fluid needs by drinking plenty of water.

Drink at least six to eight glasses of water a day. However, if this is felt lacking, you can drink more than that. In essence, drink every time you feel thirsty, so that your body's fluid needs are met and you avoid the risk of dehydration.

Good Food and What to Avoid When Pain Tipes
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