Here's the Smart Tricks to Outsmart Fried Foods To Be Healthier



Almost everyone may have eaten fried foods, at least once. Indeed, fried foods have a tastier and more savory taste. This is what makes many people like to eat fried foods. But eating too much fried food said he could make the body fat. Actually, are all fried foods definitely not healthy? Is there a way to make these fried foods healthier? Check out the answer here.

Not all fried foods are the same, depending on the cooking process

Not all fried foods are cooked with the same process. There are two types of frying techniques, namely:

  • Techniquedeep frying,ie frying food using lots of oil. This technique makes the food dip into hot oil.
  • Technique shallow frying,which is a technique that uses a little oil. Usually this technique takes longer to be able to make cooked food than techniquedeep frying.

Fried foods have a bad mark, because they can cause chronic diseases such as the heart. Yes, indeed there have been many studies that prove this.

All fried foods tend to have a higher calorie content than non-fried foods. So it will be very easy to make a thick pile of fat and eventually the weight rises.

The technique of frying also affects the calorie content in food. Fried foods can absorb 2-13 grams of oil per 100 grams of raw food, such as meat, fish, potatoes, and even vegetables.

Not only that, the content of trans fat and saturated fat in fried foods can also increase your bad cholesterol levels and increase your risk of heart disease.

Techniquedeep frying tend to produce foods that are higher in calories than they areshallow frying, because this method makes food absorb more oil. The more oil is absorbed, the more fat and calories you get.

It doesn't matter if you occasionally eat fried foods

Although the predicate of fried foods is bad, it really doesn't matter if you want to occasionally eat fried foods. This food is also not as bad as you think, because the content of vitamins B1, B2, B6 and vitamin C in these foods tends to persist, unlike when you steam or boil. As long as you can control and limit yourself, then it's fine if you want to eat fried occasionally.

Maybe sometimes you feel really want to eat fried foods. If it's medium cravings like that, you can outsmart these foods to be healthier, so you don't feel so guilty when you eat them.

To be able to make your fried snacks healthier, there are a few tips you can do:

Choose oil with high smoke points

Smoke point itself is a term used to indicate at what temperature the oil will be broken down. The higher the level, the better, because you can cook faster and less oil will be absorbed.

One oil that has a level smoke point the high one is canola oil, so it doesn't hurt if you want to try frying using the oil.

Choose oils with unsaturated fats

You can also try using oils that contain unsaturated fats, because this type of fat is good for your body. Some examples of oils containing this type of fat, namely canola oil, corn oil and sunflower oil.

Do not use oil repeatedly

Do not let you use cooking oil many times. The maximum use of healthy oil is only 2 times. What's more, your oil contains high trans fat and this is what makes you at risk for chronic diseases.

Avoid frying food for a long time

Do not fry food for too long because it can reduce the nutritional content of food. In fact, foods that are fried too long, or at temperatures that are too high, to burn, it can be dangerous for your health.

The reason is, the darker and charred the food, the higher the content of acrylamide. In those who have a good immune system, there may not be a problem when eating foods that contain acrylamide within the limits of not too much.

However, in those who have families with a history of cancer, this needs to be very cautious, because the content of acrylamide can trigger cancer.

Do these healthy tips after eating fried foods

After eating fried foods, surely you feel very full and afraid if you have gained weight. Well, to prevent that from happening you can do the following tips:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Drink 8 glasses of water per day.
  • Limit your intake of foods that are rich in fat and sugar. Instead, multiply the consumption of foods that are rich in fiber, such as in fruits and vegetables.
  • Don't miss your meal, because this can only make you too hungry and eat too much
  • Get enough sleep, which is for 7-9 hours per day.
  • Try to eat foods that are processed by steaming or boiling.

Again, it doesn't matter if you occasionally eat fried foods. However, remember if fried foods still have a higher calorie content compared to food processed in other ways.

Here's the Smart Tricks to Outsmart Fried Foods To Be Healthier
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