This Turns Out The Right Way To Cut Fruit So The Nutrition Is Not Missing


Medical Video: Healthy Foods that Can Actually Harm You with Guest Dr. Steven Gundry

There are two types of people when eating fruit: eat directly with the skin or peel and cut into pieces before eating. Whichever way you eat fruit, is actually fine. But if you prefer to eat cut fruit, you should consider how to cut it. Wrong way to cut fruit can eliminate the nutritional content, you know! Then, what is the right way?

Wrong way to cut fruit, nutrition is lost

Source: Healthline

When eating fruit, you may be used to cutting it into small pieces first to make it more practical and easy to eat. Especially if you want to bring stock of fruit to eat in the office or at school.

But be careful, peeling and cutting fruit can reduce the nutritional content. Reporting from Verywell, exposure to heat, oxygen in the air, and light from the surrounding environment can eliminate nutrients in the fruit pieces. Because the fruit skin serves to protect the content of vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients contained in the meat.

After peeling and cutting, exposure of the three factors above will make the water content in the fruit quickly evaporate. This will interfere with the acid base balance (pH) of fruit flesh, which can eliminate the nutritional content.

Some vitamins and minerals that do not heat can also evaporate after vegetables and fruit are cut, such as vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the most lost vitamins when you cut fruit, because the antioxidant properties of vitamin C are very easy to react with oxygen in the air .

According to a study from the University of California, vitamin C content in mango, strawberry, and cut watermelon can be reduced by up to 5 percent; in 10 percent pineapple and kiwi fruit; and melon cut will lose vitamin C as much as 20 percent.

You can see vitamin C reduction from fruit from the amount of liquid that comes out when the fruit is cut. The liquid actually contains water-soluble vitamin C. Even though it is sticky in the hand and makes it uncomfortable, do not immediately wash the pieces, huh! This means you keep vitamin C in the fruit.

Cutting fruit can also speed up decay

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In addition to reducing nutrition, cutting the fruit in fact can also speed up the decay process. again, the cause is exposure to oxygen from the surrounding air. Oxygen will speed up the process of breaking down natural sugars in fruit into carbon dioxide. This is what causes the fruit color of the fruit to quickly turn browned.

The longer the fruit is exposed to outside air, the faster the color change process. As a result, the fruit will rot faster. The speed of the fruit decay process is also affected by bacterial contamination in the surrounding air.

Fruit that starts not fresh usually looks tanned, dry, and wrinkled. This generally occurs from 3 to 4 days after the fruit is cut.

So, how do you cut the fruit right?

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Even though cutting fruit can remove some of its nutrients, this does not mean you will feel futile if you eat cut fruit. You can still reap the healthful benefits of fruit if you know how to peel and cut the right fruit.

The most important step and especially, use a sharp and clean knife to prevent bacterial or fungal contamination of the fruit. After that, the fruit that has been cut also should be eaten immediately so as not to get exposed to oxygen.

If you really don't want to be eaten immediately, store the pieces in an airtight container and put them in the refrigerator. If you open pieces of fruit openly in the refrigerator, then you can leave the fruit exposed to air and bacteria from other foods. The fruit will actually rot faster in the refrigerator.

This Turns Out The Right Way To Cut Fruit So The Nutrition Is Not Missing
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