Tips on Managing a Balanced Diet for Adult Men


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Men have different nutritional needs from women, and below we have summarized step-by-step details for those of you who are planning a healthy diet for better health. Although it's very tempting to eat calorie and high-fat foods, in the end this habit will turn around to make it difficult for you.

Healthy Eating Guide from NHS designed in such a way as to determine what kind of food we must consume and how much portion we eat. But that's not all. Continue reading this article and start planning your healthy diet right now.

Recommended nutritional needs of adult men

Men must eat three main meals and three healthy snacks per day. Whether to reduce or maintain your weight, you also need to track calories to make sure you burn more energy in one day than you absorb. According to the American Heart Association, quoted from Everyday Health:

  • Men aged between 19 and 30 years must limit the maximum daily calorie intake to 2,400 if inactive, 2,600 if somewhat active, and 3,000 if very active.
  • Men between 31 and 50 years old must limit the daily calorie intake to a maximum of 2,200 calories if it is inactive, 2,400 if somewhat active, and 2,800 if it is very active.
  • Men 51 and over must limit daily calorie intake to 2,000 if inactive, 2,200 if active enough, and 2,400 if very active.

The portion of healthy eating for men

Another key to maintaining your body's health as a grown man is to eat food in the right portion. Use a single measurement list (per 1 portion) below as a general guide:

  • 1 cup of fresh vegetables or fruit
  • 1/2 cup of starchy vegetables or dried beans
  • 1 sheet of plain bread
  • 1 cup of dry cereal or 1/2 cup of ripe cereal (oatmeal)
  • 1/3 cup of rice or pasta
  • 1 cup of low-fat milk
  • 3 ounces of lean red meat, chicken or fish

Note: 1 cup = 1 tennis ball, and 3 ounces = a deck of playing cards

But how is this related to you? Modify your portion with a guide from Precision Nutrition to find the right portion for you.

  • Carbohydrates (cereals, rice, pasta, tubers) = two hands
  • Protein (meat / chicken / fish / alternative meat) = two palms of your hand
  • Vegetables = two of your fists
  • Savory snacks (popcorn / chips / alternatives) = two cups of your hands
  • Cakes and bread = 2 of your fingers
  • Fat (butter, margarine / butter, and jam) = twice your thumb

3-4 meals from the guide above will provide you with 2,500 - 3,000 calories per day.

In general, approximately 2,500 calories must be consumed per day. If you exercise at least 30 minutes per day, you can lose weight between 0.5 to 1 kilogram per week with a daily intake of 1,800 calories.

Healthy breakfast for adult men

Adding protein to your breakfast is a great idea to boost your metabolism. If you are a type of morning sports enthusiast, a high-protein breakfast helps encourage muscle recovery and repair. Eggs are the ideal choice because they provide a good balance of protein and good fats, other choices include lean meat slices, fish (salmon, cod, haddock, adjoining fish), as well as low-fat milk products. Protein foods slow down the gastric emptying process, which means you can satiate longer so you tend to eat fewer calories throughout the day.

Cover your toast with sliced ​​smoked salmon, lean red meat, scrambled eggs, or avocado slices. If your morning is a little more free, enjoy a serving of vegetable fillings, or a bowl of granola cereal and skim milk. Add pieces of fruit in your cereal or take them separately. You can brew coffee or tea as a friend for breakfast (optional - the recommended best time to drink coffee is above 9am).

By noon before break, camil a piece of bagel sandwich with a spread of low-fat cream cheese, fresh biscuits with a spread of peanut butter and banana slices, or a cup of greek low-fat yogurt with fruit topping and honey.

Lunch is ideal for adult men

Ramu lunch menu with a blend of protein and starch kabohydrate. Empty carbohydrate foods will only supply your body with a temporary energy supply, so you are more drowsy in the afternoon when your body loses energy. The key, choose healthy carbohydrates that support blood sugar balance. That is, far from fresh bread or a mountain of rice! Exchange one portion of your nasi padang with whole-grains foods that are high in fiber, which will help you fill up longer and reduce the frequency of snacking in the afternoon - a powerful way to conquer the "failed focus" phenomenon in the afternoon.

Choose a wheat bread sandwich coated with sliced ​​beef, salmon, tuna, turkey, or chicken breast, accompanied by a bowl of fresh salad or try a healthy version of kebab: fill in a sheet of wet tortilla with lean beef or chicken slices with cucumber slices, tomatoes, and salsa or guacamole sauce. Choose brown rice with chicken or fish and some vegetables. Drink a glass of real fruit juice (without sugar and milk). Avoid sodas or sugary coffee or creams.

For snacks, you can choose between a bowl of mixed nuts and seeds, savory popcorn, or dried fruits (raisins, sultanas); one banana or apple slices and peanut butter; or protein shakes combined with your favorite fruit.

Dinner is filling for adult men

Contrary to popular belief, don't limit carbohydrate intake at night. But you also have to be smart, choose which one is good for you. Eat one serving of brown rice or whole-wheat pasta with a splash of tomato sauce - tomatoes are rich in lycopene which is good for prostate, lung and stomach health. These foods are low in fat, high in fiber, still sufficient for your daily carbohydrate needs, while preparing your body to relax at night.

Combine them with essential fats the body needs for all night for cell growth and repair. You can get essential fats from fatty fish, such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, also in beans. Try eating white meat (chicken, turkey, fish) as the main menu for your dinner almost every day (eating fish twice a week). It's okay to eat red meat, but not more than once a week.

Fill your half plate with a variety of colors - enjoy a choice of vegetables that are made into salad / steamed / setup with canola oil dressings or olive oil, add a choice of protein (meat or nuts); with one serving of brown rice, quinoa, or whole-wheat pasta.

Provide warm water or tea as your dinner companion. Towards bedtime, it doesn't hurt to snack. Choose half a cup of fat-free yogurt with topping with nuts or fruit, or one scoop low-fat ice cream.

Planning a healthy diet does not mean boring

Planning a healthy diet is only one way to better manage your life. In excellent condition or not, you will almost certainly have health problems and worries.

To stay healthy and keep your body in its best condition, you should start eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, and do it consistently. It's not exact science, it's just about changing your eating habits so you don't switch to potato chips, chocolate, or other 'empty' snacks when you're hungry.

However, having a healthy diet does not mean you can no longer spoil yourself with favorite foods. Once you're used to rigorous planning for four weeks, start introducing a "day off" in one week - whether it's on a Saturday night when having dinner with your partner, or in the middle of the week as a fun escape from work stress. If you spend six days eating healthy (or five, in a few weeks), pampering yourself with a pizza pan, fast food fried chicken, or burger and fries is not a big problem. But still, most importantly and important: avoid sugary drinks as much as possible.


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Tips on Managing a Balanced Diet for Adult Men
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