Various Causes of Difficult Eating Elderly and How to Overcome It


Medical Video: Dysphagia, Animation.

As you get older, more and more health problems you face. One of them is the problem of difficulty eating. Yes, eating difficulties are often experienced by people who are elderly. Of course, this problem cannot be considered small, because the difficulty of eating in the elderly can cause other health problems, especially if handled properly. Then, what are the causes of difficult eating problems that occur in the elderly? How to deal with it?

Various causes of eating difficulties that are often experienced by the elderly

One of the age groups susceptible to malnutrition is the elderly. This is caused by eating disorders that occur very often. the problem of difficulty eating is indeed caused by various things, and the following are common causes that commonly cause it.

1. Dental health problems

Do not underestimate dental and oral health problems. often people who are elderly are lazy to clean the area of ​​their mouth, so that finally the health of their teeth and mouth is not properly maintained. In fact, this will indirectly affect the function of the mouth and tongue.

For example, a mouth full of bacteria, will make the taste of food that comes into a more unpleasant and ultimately affect the taste of food as a whole. In addition, bacteria will also make the elderly difficult to swallow, taste, and chew their food.

Make sure, to clean the mouth and teeth area properly by diligently brushing your teeth. Checking your teeth every six months can also be done to maintain cleanliness. If you do have dental and oral health problems, make food in a softer form or small pieces, so it doesn't make it easier for the elderly to chew it.

2. Decreased ability of the taste buds

Usually, as you enter old age, someone will experience a decrease in taste. Tongue as a sense of taste, consists of small nodules made of nerve endings. From that part of the tongue, the taste of food will be sent to the brain then the brain will tell you, what the food has.

Well, but unfortunately in the elderly the ability of the nerves will decrease, so do the nerves on the surface of the tongue. So, the tongue is no longer too sensitive to the taste of eating. This makes the elderly will often feel the food is bland, lacking seasoning, or even no taste at all. Finally, it causes problems with eating difficulties.

If you really can't improve your taste skills, you should provide food that has attractive colors and decorations, so that people are interested in consuming it. While to outsmart an increasingly insensitive tongue, you can add more spices to the food, so the food has a stronger taste.

3. No appetite

Elderly people who have difficulty eating, usually caused by their appetite is very low. Yes, this can be caused by various things, such as the tongue is no longer sensitive to taste. To overcome this, give older people smaller meals, but with frequent frequencies.

In addition, you can rely on time to eat with family, so that your parents who are elderly for appetite. Usually, family encouragement and eating in a comfortable environment can motivate the elderly to eat more food.

Various Causes of Difficult Eating Elderly and How to Overcome It
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