4 Milk Teeth Problems that Often Occur in Children


Medical Video: Dental Health Check for Kids

Although milk teeth are not permanent, milk teeth are not separated from the problem. Children may experience milk teeth problems, such as plaque, sensitive teeth, discolored teeth, and much more. Therefore, it is expected that the child's teeth will be treated as early as possible, even as the child's teeth begin to appear.

The following are some of the milk teeth problems that can occur in children.

1. Cavity

Not only permanent teeth can be perforated, but milk teeth can also. This is usually caused by small children eating sweet foods too often, such as cakes, sweets, and chocolate. After eating, children usually do not brush their teeth, so the remaining sweet foods stick to the teeth. The sugar that sticks to the teeth becomes a 'food' bacteria to breed. The acid released by the bacteria to digest sugar can erode tooth enamel. Over time, plaque can form on the teeth and can develop into cavities.

Babies who are used to breastfeeding a bottle while lying down can also develop cavities. Because milk sugar can pool the teeth while feeding while sleeping. This is usually known by the name baby bottle caries.

Severe cavities in children can cause a child's teeth to break down within 6 months or swollen teeth. To prevent cavities, clean the child's teeth as early as possible, when the child's first tooth has begun to appear. If the child is older, teach the child to always brush his teeth twice a day with toothpaste. One more, do not get used to children to drink bottled milk while lying down.

2. Sensitive teeth

Sensitive teeth can also occur in children. This makes the child feel his teeth hurt when eating or drinking cold or hot. Because of this, the child can feel uncomfortable when eating. Sensitive teeth can occur when a child's enamel has thinned due to acid from bacteria. Sensitive teeth can also occur because of small cracks in the teeth or gums receding (due to brushing teeth that are not right). To overcome this problem, children should use special toothpaste sensitive teeth regularly.

3. Tooth discoloration

Maybe you often find children with teeth that have changed color. The color of the child's teeth becomes yellow or there are brown stains on the surface of the child's teeth. This can be caused by many factors. One of the main factors is that children are lazy to brush their teeth or children do not brush their teeth properly after eating. Therefore, brushing your child's teeth every day is very important. Namely, in the morning and before the child sleeps.

4. Date teeth very early

Premature date teeth can occur because the child has tooth decay, injury, trauma, or lack of dental space in the jaw. This can then cause permanent teeth to grow inclined or bent.

When the milk teeth are dated before the permanent teeth want to appear, the closest milk teeth may shift. Thus, space for permanent teeth is reduced. As a result, permanent teeth grow tilted or tooth buildup occurs. Overlapping teeth can then be more difficult to clean. Finally, children will find it easier to experience dental problems.

4 Milk Teeth Problems that Often Occur in Children
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