4 Signs of Stress in Families that Usually Escape Attention


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The causes of stress can be from anywhere, work, the environment, even from the family. Many people who do not realize that they actually bring stress itself into their family and daily life. Until finally stress was also felt by other family members. There are some signs of stress in the family that you should detect, before finally making the condition more chaotic.

Signs of stress in the family that might not be realized

The family should be the most comfortable place to rest from the fatigue and fatigue that comes from work or school. However, in fact stress in the family can occur at any time. In order not to drag on, you should know the various signs of stress experienced in the family.

1. Shout each other

A sign of stress has hit your family when a lot of shouting is heard. Maybe you don't realize this is because you often shout or talk loudly inside the house.

You may be depressed due to work and eventually carried home. Not aware of being easily angry at your partner, child, and even your parents. Finally your family does not feel calm and peaceful again in the house.

If that is the case, you should keep your voice down so that the atmosphere at home is not too tense. Do not let your family also come under stress and finally nothing will become your stress medication.

2. Rarely do dinner with family at home

dinner portion

Sad truth and maybe you don't realize it. You and your partner might avoid having dinner together when you are stressed or angry.

This will make other family members uncomfortable. There is no more time together to share the stories you want to tell. Children will also be reluctant to start, let alone know if you and your partner are inside mood which is not good.

Once or twice this happens maybe it doesn't matter. But if often, this will have an impact on child development and even cause stress in the family.

Therefore, you should continue to do various habits that can build stronger family ties, even though your mood is not good.

3. More often confine themselves

the impact of stress makes you sleep badly

To find out if your family is stressed or depressed, try to look at your children's behavior. Usually, children are very sensitive to situations like this.

Stress in the family will make it uncomfortable even to lock up in his room. This indicates if there is a problem in your family that should be resolved quickly.

4. Easy to get sick

coughing during flu

Whatever your age, prolonged and prolonged stress can affect your body. Younger children may complain about abdominal pain and nightmares, while teens often experience headaches, and adults usually feel stress in the neck, shoulders and back. Many people experience sleep problems, when under stress.

So it's not surprising that when you get stressed in your family, your immune system decreases so you become susceptible to disease.

4 Signs of Stress in Families that Usually Escape Attention
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