5 Fun Ways to Introduce Money to Children


Medical Video: The best ways to teach your little kids about money

It is important to introduce money and how to properly manage it for children early. Many child health experts and family consultants from around the world believe that children can be introduced to the concept of saving and how to use money as early as 3 years old. But often parents hesitate, or even introduce money in the wrong way. This certainly will impact on children's behavior in the future when managing their own finances. Then, what is the right, fun way to introduce money to children?

Fun ways to introduce money to children

Introducing money to children is not easy. Usually parents will start by teaching your child to save. In addition, there are several other interesting ways to introduce money to children. Anything?

1. Give weekly pocket money

Try giving the child enough allowance for one week. Giving allotment of pocket money is an important way to explain to children that money is a limited item so it must be used wisely.

Also explain to the little one once the money runs out, then there will be no more left for him until the following week and he may not ask before his time. This will make your child learn responsibility for the money you have given.

Start by giving a small nominal first, for example 10 thousand rupiah. During one week, see what the pattern of snacks and expenses are. See if your child spends his allowance at once or even remains. Also pay attention to what items or foods your little one buys.

You can add the nominal over time to keep track of snacks.

3. Invite your child to shop

Invite your child with you to shop at the market or supermarket, and ask him to pay attention to the price of the same type of item. For example, one lollipop from brands A, B, and C. Together, check the weight difference of the item, the taste offered, the price difference, and the discount offer.

Afterwards, ask your child why one candy can be cheaper or more expensive than the other. This helps increase children's awareness and control of the money to be spent.

You can also ask him to bring a small calculator when shopping, to help him calculate which items are cheaper and better to buy.

4. Coin game

When at home, invite him to play with coins. Recommend him to the coins with different shapes, colors and nominal amounts. For example, IDR 25.00 coins; Rp50.00; Rp. 100,00; Rp500.00; and Rp1,000.00.

Try asking him to classify small coins (using 100 rupiah coins, for example) until the amount is equal to one thousand rupiah coins or five five hundred rupiah coins.

In this way he will understand that not only is the amount of coins important, but what is the nominal price of each coin he has.

5. Bring your child to the bank or ATM

When you see you pay at the checkout with a debit card or credit card, your little one might think that the card can give you money whenever you want.

Show your child that the money that comes out comes from your savings so far. That way, your child will also know more about the benefits and advantages of saving.

5. Teach to give to one another

Teaching the value of money is not only a matter of saving it. Also teach children about empathy and the importance of sharing with others who are more in need.

Start by telling us the reasons why we should give and help each other. Explain to your child, that not all children in the world are lucky enough to have enough money. Tell him that by sharing a little money, it will not make him deficient.

5 Fun Ways to Introduce Money to Children
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