6 Ways to Improve the Child's Immune System


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Children are susceptible to diseases, such as colds or coughs. For this reason, parents must be extra careful in maintaining personal hygiene and the environment around children. Come on, refer to the following review to improve the child's immune system so that they don't get sick easily.

Why do children often get sick?

The child's immune system is not perfect and as strong as an adult. Moreover, they don't understand and don't really care about the cleanliness around. Yes, children still have difficulty distinguishing which ones are clean and which are dirty. As a result, they are more susceptible to exposure to germs.

This is the reason why they get sick more easily because many are faced with bacteria and the risk for illness becomes higher while their immune system is not strong enough.

Parents must improve the child's immune system

"When a new baby is born, the immune system is not strong enough," said Dr. Charles Shubin, a child health specialist at the University of Maryland, was quoted by Parents. The baby's immune system must adapt first to become stronger.

Slowly, the child's immune system fights a series of germs and viruses, and continues until they are immune to these viruses and germs. This is why many doctors consider normal when a child falls ill, which is six to eight times getting a cold, flu, or ear infection. Therefore, parents must play a role in increasing the body's immune system so that they don't get sick easily, along with the following methods:

1. Meet the nutritional needs

In newborns, breast milk is the main food as an antibody that increases the body's immune system. This is done at least for the first two or three months, afterwards, you can give combination milk with formula milk.

According to research, the benefits of other breastfeeding is to help increase brain strength and prevent diseases, such as diabetes, allergies, or ear infections later on.

As you get older, a mixture of vegetables and fruit is very good for the health and development of his body. Some vegetables and fruits contain phytonutrients that can boost the immune system because they increase the production of white blood cells and interferon to fight bacterial and viral infections. These foods also protect children from chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer as adults. Serve carrots, green beans, oranges, strawberries and broccoli on the food menu. For snacks, you can prepare yogurt, fruit salad, or nuts.

However, make sure that the food portion is according to his age. Because too much eating can make babies vulnerable to excess weight.

2. Monitor sleep time

Studies show adults who lack sleep will easily get sick because their immune systems fail to fight viruses, bacteria, or cancer cells.

This also applies to children. When babies, the time needed to sleep is 18 hours, then toddlers need 12 to 13 hours, and preschoolers need about 10 hours a day to sleep. If the child does not have time to take a nap, then try to go to bed early.

3. Maintain personal hygiene and the surrounding environment

In addition to maintaining the cleanliness of the environment around the child, you must also monitor the cleanliness of the child's body. For example, always routinely clean hands with wet tissue or with water. Because children often put their hands in their mouths. Also ensure cleanliness of toys and keep clean the pet star and cage. Then, if a wound occurs while playing, immediately wipe it with water and treat it.

4. Invite him to exercise

Exercise improves the child's immune system especially if it is routinely carried out. Sport is an activity that is more beneficial than just playing in the park. Not only children's health, your body will also be healthier and avoid diseases that can spread to your child.

optimistic child

5. Keep away from cigarette smoke and vehicles

Cigarette smoke and vehicle fumes can irritate the child's respiratory organs. Children are more susceptible to the negative effects of cigarettes, such as bronchitis or asthma, than adults if there is cigarette smoke around them. If your partner is a smoker, you should smoke outside the home or stop smoking better, this prevents children from being exposed to cigarette smoke. Use a mask for your child when traveling out to reduce exposure to air pollution.

6. Routinely check the child's health to the doctor

Go to the doctor not only when the child is sick, you need to check the child's body health regularly. This is done to check the possibility of the occurrence of a disease whose symptoms are often underestimated.

When a child is sick, you also cannot force a doctor to give antibiotics or do an imaging test (CT Scan or X-ray). Because, diseases that often occur in children are often caused by viruses. When given antibiotics, certain bacteria actually become resistant to the drug.

6 Ways to Improve the Child's Immune System
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