Age How Much Does Body Odor Appear to Children?


Medical Video: Get Rid of Child's Body Odor & JV Naturals Kid's Deodorant Review

In normal babies, they do not have body odor. Normal body odor will occur when the child enters puberty or before adolescence. What is a reasonable age when body odor occurs in children? Consider the following review and steps to overcome it.

The age range of body odor appears in children

When babies and toddlers grow up, they will become more active exploring the environment to increase knowledge and abilities. This makes them sweat easily. As a result, children become more likely to experience body odor. The difference, body odor in children does not smell clear, different from body odor in adults.

The human body has two types of sweat glands, namely the eccrine gland and the apocrine gland. In children, the active sweat glands are the eccrine glands. The gland is located throughout the body, which is around the pores of the skin and will produce sweat in the form of water when the body must maintain an ideal body temperature. For example, when a child has a fever or when the child tastes spicy food.

While the apocrine glands are around the armpit hair and will produce sweat every time the body does physical activity and also feels emotions such as fear, anxiety, stress, or experiencing sexual stimulation. The sweat produced is usually oily, opaque, and odorless.

Sweat will smell when reacting with bacteria that attach to the skin. Therefore, active children are more easily exposed to bacteria from the surrounding environment. Reporting from Mom Junction, babies and children under 8 years usually have sweat that does not smell or only faint smell.

However, in children aged 8 to near puberty, the smell of their sweat changes. A bad odor will appear when you are 12 years old or when you are a teenager.

Girls tend to experience changes before puberty earlier than men. This is why girls will have changes in sweat odor even around the age of 8 years. Meanwhile, boys who generally will experience changes in sweat odor at the age of 9 years.

In addition to activities and the number of bacteria, abnormal body odor in children can be caused by illness or other bodily conditions. For this reason, if body odor occurs earlier than it should, this needs to be overcome and prevented. Causes of child body odor that can be prevented and are more easily handled by themselves, including:

  • poor body hygiene
  • the condition of clothes or shoes that are not clean
  • eat foods that trigger body odor

Meanwhile, for body odor caused by disease must get treatment from a doctor to reduce symptoms of the cause of body odor. Do not take medication without a doctor's recommendation that can worsen his condition.

Can children use deodorant to deal with body odor?

When body odor occurs even though the child has not reached the age of puberty, as a parent you can prevent and overcome it by teaching him how to bathe clean and routine. Also pay attention to the cleanliness of his clothes and the type of food, for example limiting foods containing onions, red meat, or cow's milk.

If it doesn't work, maybe using a deodorant can help. However, it is important to know that there are age limits when children can use deodorants. According to Parents, new children aged 10 or 11 are allowed to use deodorants.

Apart from age, the selection of deodorants must also be right. Today, many deodorants are made specifically for children. Do not choose deodorants that contain parabens, aluminum, or chemicals that are allergenic and dangerous. You can also use natural ingredients instead of factory-made deodorants. Don't forget to always consult your plan to get the right recommendations and suggestions for dealing with body odor.

Age How Much Does Body Odor Appear to Children?
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