Can a Mother With Baby Breastfeeding Diabetes?


Medical Video: Infants of Diabetic Mothers

Diabetes is one of many diseases that can be inherited through parent genes to their children. This also makes most mothers with diabetes worry about breastfeeding their babies. They fear that the disease will have an adverse effect on him and his baby. So, is it safe for mothers with diabetes to breastfeed their children? Consider the following review.

Mothers with diabetes can still breastfeed their babies

Reporting from WebMD, according to the American Diabetes Association, breastfeeding is the best way to provide nutrition to babies. Ideally, mothers will breastfeed exclusively for the first six months. Furthermore, the American Diabetes Association explained that mothers with diabetes may continue to breastfeed their babies, it is highly recommended.

In pregnant women, gestational diabetes can occur. Diabates are caused by metabolic stress during pregnancy which causes blood sugar levels to rise above normal. Fortunately, this is only temporary. Sugar levels will return to normal after childbirth. However, there is still a risk of type 2 diabetes. Well, breastfeeding is actually one way to prevent type 2 diabetes.

Breastfeeding means using insulin in a positive way so that your insulin needs are reduced, help reduce excess weight, prevent obesity, and can reduce the risk of babies getting diabetes. In women with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes, breastfeeding helps them control their disease and prevent further complications. Because, you might reduce the use of insulin drugs during breastfeeding.

In addition, other benefits that can be obtained from breastfeeding for the body's health are reducing the risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

Benefits of breastfeeding for babies even though mothers have diabetes

Breastfeeding is known to help your baby avoid health problems such as asthma, respiratory and ear infections, or digestive problems.

A study conducted in 2008 showed that the longer babies are fed with breast milk, the more babies are away from the risk of type 1 diabetes. Breast milk also protects babies from various infectious diseases and other risk factors that can cause diabetes.

benefits of breastfeeding

Tips for breastfeeding for women with diabetes

Breastfeeding is not an easy thing. In diabetics there may be some problems. For example, when blood sugar drops due to burning calories to be used as energy during breastfeeding. So before breastfeeding, you should first consult with your doctor to get advice on insulin doses, lifestyle, calorie intake, and certain foods that can be eaten during breastfeeding and support breast milk production.

The following tips can help mothers with diabetes while breastfeeding their babies, such as:

  • Providing breast milk when a new baby is born can increase the ability to suckle a baby later on. In mothers with diabetes, breast milk usually experiences production delays for three days after giving birth. This is normal. However, to avoid this, you can collect colostrum before the baby is born. Colostrum (yellowish milk) can be a substitute for formula milk if the delay in milk production occurs and as an antibody that protects the baby from bacteria and viruses.
  • Eat some snacks recommended by the doctor before breastfeeding. Many mothers complain that their blood sugar drops within one hour after breastfeeding.
  • Consult the medicines you use with your doctor, whether or not they will affect the baby while breastfeeding. Avoid using herbal medicines, such as fenugreek, which can change blood sugar levels.
  • Routinely monitor blood sugar levels during breastfeeding and reduce stress which can lead to decreased milk production.
Can a Mother With Baby Breastfeeding Diabetes?
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