Come on, Show Proud Feelings in Children with These 4 Ways


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When children do a good thing, parents are obliged to show pride. Why? Pride shown in children can influence and shape their character. Children will feel valued in their business and motivated to continue doing good things.

However, you must know that showing pride in children also has rules. Too little to express pride, will make children feel bad. Conversely, if parents are too excessive in praising children, it will build arrogance in the child.

So, what is the most appropriate way for parents to show pride in children? Consider the following review.

The way parents show pride in the right child

The relationship between parents and children affects children's development emotionally and mentally. One way parents can build good relationships with children is to show pride.

According to the Huffington Post, Daniel Wong in his book entitled 16 Keys To Motivating Your Teenger mentions that one of the sentences that the child wants to hear from his parents is "I'm proud of you.

Yes, you can show pride when your child does a kindness, courage, humility, or other positive behavior. So that the pride that you express is conveyed well to children, follow the following method.

1. Praise children for their achievements

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When is the right time to show pride? Your child grows and develops all the time. If the child has done something by working hard, practicing every day, and finally getting good results, then at this moment they have the right to get praise.

Not only on big achievements, like succeeding in getting a class champion or winning a race. When children can keep their rooms clean, tidy up their toys, or always spend and are not picky, they also need to be praised.

2. Not just praise, give input too

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Regardless of satisfying results or not, you still have to give them praise. Why? When children achieve something in life, they often face various difficulties in the process, including sacrificing playing time with friends.

The praise you give is not only based on results, but also see the process. With your praise for his hard work, the child will become more confident in his own abilities. It also teaches children that they need an effort to achieve something they want. In addition to praise, give them also input and motivation so that children can do something better.

3. Take care of your expression and be proud of the child accordingly

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When expressing pride in your child, the expression you show must also be appropriate. For example, by showing a warm smile accompanied by a warm hug or gentle swab on the child's hair. Praise and direct contact like this is very impressive to children. But remember the praise that you give is also not excessive and not to demean other children.

If it's excessive, chances are that the child will always demand more in every success. Simply celebrate in a simple way, such as eating together or making food that children really like for example.

4. Teach children to respect the efforts of others

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Remind the child that the achievements he has made and the praise he is currently receiving also involve the efforts of others who help him. This will make children appreciate other people more.

In addition, giving understanding like this will also foster a sense of humility and tolerance, so that he does not act arrogant or feel himself superior to others.

Come on, Show Proud Feelings in Children with These 4 Ways
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