Development of Babies at 4 Weeks


Medical Video: Tummy time exercises for your baby

Development of a 4-week-old baby

How should the baby develop 4 weeks?

Your baby is now 4 weeks old and currently he is getting stronger compared to the first weeks of his birth.

In the development of a 4-week baby, your baby can suck your thumb or other finger. Besides that, the little one's vision is also more perfect. At this age, he can see in focus on objects within 20-35 centimeters (cm). He also began to be able to hear the sounds around him. Yes, your baby can be surprised or even cry when he hears a loud voice.

What should I do to support the development of a 4-week baby?

Make sure your baby stays on his back, even if he is not sleeping. Do not let the baby sleep face down because your child is at risk of experiencing sudden infant death syndrome sudden infant death syndrome. In addition, the head is also at risk of becoming concave. Therefore always put the baby in the supine position to prevent this situation.

Try to position your face in front of the baby so he wants to raise his head to see you. You can also roll a thin cloth under his chest to stimulate the object. This is to help the nervous system and control the baby's muscles to develop. But make sure that this is done under your supervision. This is done to reduce the risk of babies wrapped in cloth.

Health for babies aged 4 weeks

What do I need to discuss with the doctor?

This week, you need to take your baby to the doctor to carry out checks such as:

1. Blood test

Baby's blood is taken from the heel with rapid test strip to check whether the baby has phenylketonuria or urinary tract disease hypothyroid. This blood test can help doctors examine metabolic problems. In addition, you can advise your doctor to do an in-depth examination to detect abnormalities or other health conditions that may be natural baby

2. Hepatitis B vaccination

In some cases, the baby may need to be given hepatitis B vaccination, especially if you have also been diagnosed positively affected hepatitis B. If you don't have hepatitis B, you can give it a hepatitis B vaccine at any time during the first 2 months, or give it an injection of a synthetic vaccine for diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT vaccine) at the age of 2 months.

Babies born prematurely can also be injected with a synthetic vaccine to prevent hepatitis B. Always consult a doctor if you decide to vaccinate the baby.

3. Hearing test

The doctor will check to make sure that your baby has no hearing loss.

What should I know to support the development of a 4-week baby?

In the first month of birth, babies will cry more often. Although fairly reasonable, you must be wary colic in infants. Colic is a baby's uncontrolled and prolonged crying.

Colic may affect 10-25 percent of babies under the age of 3 months. Almost all babies tend to cry often in the first 3 months, but colic is different from normal crying.

Some doctors recognize it with formula 3, which is: once crying can be up to 3 hours, occurs at least 3 times a week, and at least 3 consecutive weeks. Usually it starts between the 3rd and 6th weeks.

Colic episodes often appear suddenly at curfew. Many babies will cry loudly, cannot be calmed, while clenching their fists, and stretching their legs. Every baby is different from each other, but colic usually improves in about 3 months.

Some people theorize that the cause of colic is the digestive system of an imperfect baby or food allergies. Others believe the cause may be due to a developing nervous system or baby's temperament which makes it too easily stimulated.

Even though colic makes parents unable to do anything and feels guilty, this condition is generally only temporary, and is not a sign of a long-term problem. Remember, every baby is unique, so how to entertain them while colic is different. So, you might need to experiment with a number of the best techniques for babies. Some of them are:

  • Babies need time to adapt after birth. For 9 months in the womb, the baby is accustomed to the atmosphere of the uterus which is comfortable, warm, and calm. Therefore, if your little one is fussy doesn't want to be quiet, try to swaddle your baby in a blanket. After that, shake your baby on your arms or rocking bed.
  • Some babies are soothed with repeated loud sounds, for example by whispering "ssshh" right in their ears. Some people may also use the sound of vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, clothes dryers, or any device that all resembles the sound of the uterus. You can also give it a bottle of warm water or a towel over the baby's stomach, pacifier, or bathe it with warm water.
  • Listening to a baby's cry can make you stressed and tired. It will be very helpful if you have someone who can take turns helping care for and handling your baby.
  • Tell your doctor if your baby's cries sound like screaming and screaming in pain, if the baby's weight is no longer rising, the baby is feverish, or the baby has symptoms of colic at more than 3 months of age. Because this might be a sign of a health problem that requires medical help.

Which must be considered

What should I pay attention to?

If you have a smoking habit, you should stop it now. Because, this habit affects the development of a baby 4 weeks and is harmful to his health. HThat can weaken the lungs, making babies more susceptible to ear infections, babies snore more often and experience respiratory problems during sleep.

Smoking is proven to cause health problems, habits, and learning problems in infants, and increase risk sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Even if you smoke outside and are not in the same room as the baby, harmful chemicals will still spread throughout the house in just minutes, not to mention the ones that stick to your body, hair, and clothes.

Ask the doctor how how to stop smokingor if you or your family member cannot stop immediately, ask how to keep the baby safe and cigarette smoke does not affect your baby.

How is your baby developing the next week?

Development of Babies at 4 Weeks
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