Early Detection of Autism in Children, Parents Must Recognize First Characteristics


Medical Video: Autism Signs

Autism is a disorder in a person that affects social interaction, communication, interests, and behavior and enters a condition called autism spectrum disorder. Usually autism appears during infancy and early childhood. The earlier the symptoms of autism are known, the faster the child will get treatment. That way, treatment therapy can be more effective. So, what are the symptoms of autism in children? Here's the review.

Various symptoms of autism in children that need to be watched out

can't talk about the symptoms of autism

To find out various symptoms of autism in children, you can see it from three main factors, namely from social skills or interaction, communication, and behavior. Usually children with autism will show the following symptoms such as:

Social skills (interaction)

Children with autism usually have difficulty interacting with others as indicated by the following characteristics:

  • Cannot respond when called by his name at 12 months of age.
  • Not interested in playing, talking, and interacting with other people.
  • Prefer to be alone.
  • Avoid or reject physical contact.
  • When upset children usually do not like to be entertained.
  • Children do not understand their own feelings and those of others.


Children with autism usually have problems with communication such as:

  • Too late to talk compared to his age.
  • Speaking in a strange tone of voice and not often difficult to understand.
  • Frequently repeat the same phrase repeatedly.
  • Responding to questions by repeating them, rather than answering them.
  • Use language incorrectly, for example using third person pronouns in calling themselves.
  • Don't understand simple directions, statements, or questions.
  • Can't understand the joke given.


Children with autism will show unusual behavior such as:

  • Make the same movements repeatedly, for example, flapping your hands, swaying back and forth, or flicking your fingers.
  • Move with constant excessive behavior.
  • Do special routines and get upset when the routine is changed.
  • Have more fussy eating habits.
  • Often acting without thinking.
  • Have aggressive behavior, both with yourself and others.
  • Cannot focus on one thing for a long time.
  • Have unusual sensory interests, such as sniffing toys, objects, or people.
  • Playing something in a repetitive and unimaginative way.

If you see these symptoms in your child, then try to see a doctor immediately to find out the root of the problem. Proper early treatment can help the effectiveness of treatment.

Early Detection of Autism in Children, Parents Must Recognize First Characteristics
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