Facing the Challenges of Autism in Girls


Medical Video: Facing up to the challenges of autism

Autism spectrum disorders are more diagnosed in boys than girls. Research results published in the journal Autism Research, showing that girls with autism actually have more things to consider. Unfortunately, most experts focus too much on handling autism in boys. As a result, parents may still have difficulty dealing with autism in girls.

Autism in girls is different from autism in boys

When growing up, a girl with autism will certainly face challenges that are far different from boys with autism. For example, girls with autism who do not want to make eye contact with other people are often labeled "arrogant" while boys with autism who do not make eye contact are usually excused as shy children.

Another challenge for autism in girls is entering puberty. Of course there are many changes that will be experienced. In fact, children with autism do not like change.

Not to mention usually in the association of girls, children are more required to mingle with their friends. For example, like the same movie or celebrity, have the same hobby, and listen to the same music with friends "gang". In fact, girls with autism usually have their own hobbies or interests that can be different from their friends.

Therefore, relating symptoms of autism in children can be seen and known since childhood, you should begin to prepare yourself to face the challenges of autism in girls as early as possible.

parental child health

Teaching autistic children, women know their bodies and themselves

Getting to know the topic of menstruation in a female autistic child can be a quite heavy task. Maybe parents are worried about how their daughter will react to the incident. How will you teach hygiene around menstruation? Will mentsruasi and changes in the body such as the growth of breasts and pubic hair can be understood and accepted?

Therefore, you must provide an explanation that can be accepted by the child. When your daughter wonders why she is bleeding, has fine hair, or her breasts are enlarged, don't just say it's a sign that she's grown up. A child with autism will have difficulty accepting abstract concepts like this.

So, it's better to explain what puberty is. That in their teens, everyone will go through periods of body change. The change is intended so that his body is ready to reproduce (having offspring and breastfeeding) and becoming physically stronger.

educating girls

Make a list of instructions with pictures

Well, this is where the role of parents is needed. Because most children with autism are visual learnerYou can make a list of pictures of the steps needed and attach them to the bathroom wall.

The following are examples of images / steps that must be explained:

  • Notify where and how to store sanitary napkins
  • Teach to replace it by always entering the bathroom, closing (and locking) the door
  • How to use sanitary napkins
  • How to glue the panty liner or sanitary napkins on pants
  • When and how to dispose of it

The list of instructions is not only applicable for installing sanitary napkins, you know. You can use similar instructions to remind your child how to use a headset or bra when her breasts start to grow.

Give praise when the child does it

When teaching children about menstruation you must remain calm, give orders clearly and praise the child for having menstrual processes leading to adulthood. Teach children what they have to do every month that will take a long time.

All of these steps must be broken down and given assistance at each step, verbal and physical cues are also needed to help him understand better.

the child's behavior reflects his parents

Teach girls with autism to socialize

In teaching autistic children to get along with women, parents must show real examples of how to socialize well. Play role frequently with children, for example when getting acquainted with new students in their class.

Remember, the key is to be frequent. The reason is, most children with autism do have to repeatedly repeat the same thing and really really understand what must be done.

Whereas when teaching empathy, parents can create situations where children respond accordingly. Teachers or parents must also teach when and how to help others, for children to be taught to understand the environmental situation.

Try practicing communication by teaching children to choose the topic of discussion using books. The use of books can build communication and train children to respect others by taking turns discussing social topics when interested in the opposite sex, associating with peers, and communicating.

Facing the Challenges of Autism in Girls
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