How much food do children need?


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Allowing children to go outside their activities with a full stomach is an obligation. However, you should not overdo it by bringing too much food, just because you want your child to be full while at school. Do you know how much food the child needs?

What are the child's calorie needs per day that you need to fulfill?

Do you like to make and deliver lunch for children? It's a good idea to bring provisions for children who have just entered elementary school (SD), why? Because they are not smart enough to choose snacks. So, it is safer if parents bring lunch for lunch.

Bringing provisions for children can sometimes be a difficult job. In addition to thinking about a favorite menu, the next thing is to determine the amount or portion that is brought. Do not let when the child comes home, you see the provisions left a lot because it's too full. One thing that is the key to eating out is the right stock.

If you have been confused to prepare supplies, from now on you can be guided by eating needs at the age of the child. When seen in the 2013 Nutrition Adequacy (AKG) Figures table, children aged 6-9 years need about 1850 kilos of calories a day.

In a day, the child should eat 5 times, which is 3 large meals and 2 meals snack, then you can divide the child's energy needs into 5 times. However, because snack portions are generally smaller, the energy that children need to consume when eating snacks is only around 100-150 kilos of calories. The rest, just divided into 3 for large meals. From this count, your child only needs about 500 kilos of calories per meal.

Examples of food supplies containing 500 kilos of calories

  • Rice 100 grams or one barrel. You can vary rice with noodles or potatoes. To get the same calorie value as 100 grams of rice, you can give 200 grams of noodles or one small bowl or two medium-sized potatoes.
  • One-piece beef or chicken. For one piece of meat in question is the size of a matchstick, while the chicken is one medium size piece. Or you can also bring one egg as a source of animal protein.
  • Tempe, tofu or nuts which are sources of vegetable protein. Just like the size of meat, tempeh or tofu, just give one piece.
  • Vegetables that are easily cooked with sauteed, such as beans, broccoli or sauteed spinach. While the number is only one medium bowl.

Now you know, how much food is needed by children, especially for elementary school age. So, don't overdo it again to give your baby food.

How much food do children need?
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