Is it normal if the child goes back and forth to pee in a day?


Medical Video: The Secret Reason You Constantly Have to Pee

Withholding urination is not good for health. Within 24 hours, the frequency of normal urination for healthy adults is 6-8 times. Then, what about children? How many times is the frequency of urinating in a normal day for small children? Is it normal for a child to pee all the time?

Children urinate, what's normal?

The frequency of urinating each person in a day can be different from one another, including children.

Usually, the greater the age, the child tends to urinate less often than when he was a baby or toddler. This is related to the growing bladder with age. In newborns, the frequency of baby pee can repeat up to 6-8 times a day. Once it starts to grow, the child can go back and forth to pee around 6-7 times in one day.

Apart from being an age factor, how often the child peed will depend on the amount of physical activity performed. The more active a child is in his daily activities, the more sweat is released. This can make children less frequent pee because excess body fluids have been wasted through sweat.

Meanwhile, the amount and type of drinks consumed also affect the habit of children pee continuously. The more water you drink, of course more urine is produced. in addition to water, some types of food or drinks can make a child pee continuously in one day, for example citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruit) and tomatoes - both in the form of fresh fruit and juice - and soft drink.

Stress can also make a child pee constantly.

When to go to the doctor?

Various factors above can cause children to pee constantly. However, the above are actually not harmful. Alternating pee usually lasts only 1-3 days and the rest will return to normal.

What should be more vigilant is if the child continues to pee more than 10 times in one day. This may indicate symptoms of a urinary tract infection. Especially if he constantly peed but not accompanied by the same amount of fluid consumption. It's better to immediately see a doctor.

Similarly, you also have to be vigilant if children rarely pee. The frequency of urination less frequently than usual might indicate your child is dehydrated. Dehydration can also be detected from the color of a child's urine. If the color is solid yellow, your child is dehydrated.

This condition of lack of fluids can usually be caused by other health problems, such as diarrhea, symptoms of nausea and vomiting, or are experiencing certain infectious diseases. Immediately consult a doctor for further treatment.

Is it normal if the child goes back and forth to pee in a day?
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