Peel Completely Colic in Babies: Causes, Symptoms, and How to Overcome It


Medical Video: Instructional Videos for New Moms - Baby Colic Massage

Some babies experience a condition called colic, which causes them to cry often even though their parents have done everything they can to calm their baby. Apart from crying that doesn't stop, the baby can't eat or sleep. Well, what exactly is the cause of colic in infants and how do you overcome it? See the explanation below.

Symptoms and signs of your baby experiencing colic

Doctors usually determine whether your baby has colic or not based on the following three factors.

  • Crying for at least 3 hours
  • Cry continuously at least 3 times a week
  • Both of the above conditions occur at least 3 consecutive weeks

In addition, colic in infants can also be diagnosed based on observations of various other signs and symptoms:

  • Your baby often cries for no apparent reason (such as dirty diapers, feeling hungry, or wanting to sleep).
  • Splashy crying at certain hours at the same time every day (for example in the afternoon, evening, or night).
  • Your baby defecates more often, removes the wind, or drooles.
  • Your baby cannot sleep or eat as usual due to crying, or sleep suddenly and wake up screaming.

What are the causes of colic in infants?

Until now, experts have not been able to prove the exact cause of colic. However, the possible causes of colic in infants include:

  • Stimulation or excessive stimulation of the baby's senses (for example, being uncomfortable with the clothing material or there are disturbing noises).
  • Immature digestive system. Because the baby's digestive system is still undeveloped, food may not be properly digested, which causes discomfort from gases in the intestine.
  • Gastric acid that rises to the top (gastric acid reflux in infants).
  • Food allergy or sensitivity. Some experts believe that milk protein can cause allergies in formula-fed infants (also known as lactose intolerance). Another factor (which is rare) that causes baby colic is a reaction to certain foods eaten by nursing mothers.

How do you deal with colic in infants?

Here are some ways that can help overcome your baby's condition:

  • Let the baby rest. If there are people who visit home to look at your baby, make sure your baby is well rested and not woken up when he is sleeping. If your baby is too often surrounded by lots of people and toys, for a long time he will feel uncomfortable because the five senses will be overly aroused.
  • Create a comfortable atmosphere. In order for your baby to relax and stop crying, dim the room and room lights, talk in a soft voice (or not speak at all) and avoid noisy noises that can disturb the baby.
  • Carry baby and weigh slowly.
  • Your baby may feel bloated, so you need to make your baby belch. Find out how to make your baby burp in this article.
  • Create it white noise. Some babies love to listen white noise which comes from a vacuum cleaner or air conditioner because the sound reminds the baby of the mother's womb. Buy a machine white noise or download the issuing application white noise is a good way to make babies feel more comfortable.

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Peel Completely Colic in Babies: Causes, Symptoms, and How to Overcome It
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