Stages of Development of Toddlers from Year to Year


Medical Video: Baby and Toddler Milestones, Dr. Lisa Shulman

Childhood is the most important time in the growth and development of children. After passing through the period of growth and development within the fetus, a child will get to know the world and adapt to the surrounding environment shortly after he is born until the next few months. Growth does always occur if someone is still a child. However, various aspects of motoric, cognitive, and language development in children under five occur very rapidly. The following are developments and growth that occur in children under five in general from year to year.

Development of toddlers aged 1 year


When the child has entered the age of 1 year, his weight has reached about 3 times the birth weight, while his height has increased by half of his length at birth. For brain size, one-year-old children have about 60% of the size of an adult brain. After experiencing very fast growth in one year, the growth at the next age will be slower but the development that occurs will be more.

Motor skills

While for motoric abilities, children aged 1 year should be able to stand up straight without the help of others and have started walking slowly. One-year-old children can also help themselves without having to be helped by anyone.

Language skill

If you have a one-year-old child, he or she may be able to respond to various questions that you ask him. He is also able to do some simple body movements such as nodding his head or shaking his hands as "goodbye". But the vocabulary of the child is still small, so he will try to follow your words, say 'mama' or 'dadah'.

Cognitive abilities

The child also starts to mimic all your movements and behavior, so be careful and pay attention to your behavior when in front of the child. Children are also able to put and move some items, drink from a glass, and do simple orders such as ‘put your toys.

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Development of toddlers aged 2 years


A 2-year-old child has an average height of about 38 cm from his length at birth. At this age, the child's growth will decrease compared to the growth that occurred before one year. Estimated weight gain that occurs in children aged between 12 to 24 months is 1.5 to 2.5 kg. As for the increase in height that occurs in the age range is around 13 to 2.5 cm.

Motor skills

In the second year, the child's motor development will be very rapid, for example he can slowly climb the stairs, kick the ball, and can start to jog. Most children aged 2 years can even stand on their toes.

Language skill

At least you already have 50 vocabulary words and can mention them quite well, you can already say 2 words in 1 phrase at a time, know and know the names of objects around and names of body parts, and repeat adult words.

Cognitive abilities

Already know the time difference like now, later, a few more minutes, or even a word forever. Your child may also be able to do some simple things that you instructed him, such as putting books on the table or washing hands, and so on. At this age the child has started fantasizing or playing pretend with various toys.

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Development of children aged 3 years


The body weight rises by about 2 kg and the height increases by about 8 cm compared to when he entered the age of 2 years. 3-year-olds are more thin and have a flat stomach, this is because they experience more height. In addition, children who are 3 years old already have complete milk teeth.

Motor skills

If your child enters the age of 3, he will have a fairly rapid development of muscle movements, so he can run, climb - go up and down the stairs by himself - kicking the ball, cycling and jumping. Not only that, the development of coordination of small muscles also occurs at this stage, so 3-year-olds are usually able to dress themselves, eat using forks and spoons, hold pencils with their fingers, and turn pages of books.

Language skill

The more vocabulary you have and to learn new words quickly. Already know various types of objects that are usually around. At this age also children more often ask what and why related to various things, have understood what he heard, but have not been able to fully express their feelings in words. They can also say one complete sentence consisting of 4 to 5 words.

Cognitive abilities

Already know about their name, age, and gender, can remember some numbers and letters, can play compose puzzle, often fantasizing with pets and toys, and can take 2-3 instructions at once, such as "take your toy and place it on the table".

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Development of 4 year old toddlers


Experiencing a height increase of 8 cm and increasing body weight by about 2 kg from his last birthday. To find out whether the child's physical growth is normal or not, then you should look at the growth table or growth chart.

Motor skills

Most children aged 4 years can stand up, walk, and run on their own feet without the help of adults. In addition, they can also ride smoothly, play football, be able to go up and down stairs without holding anything, can already use scissors, draw circles or squares, be able to draw complete people with 2 to 4 body parts, and can already write a few capital letters .

Language skill

The vocabulary that is owned increases, because it's able to speak 1 complete sentence with 5 to 6 words in it. A 4-year-old child is also able to explain an event and experience, sing, tell a short story, and understand all adult words and explanations to him.

Cognitive abilities

Can mention his name completely, understand the concepts of calculations and numbers, already know the various colors and types of animals. The concept of thinking is more developed, because it already understands the concept of causation, for example, your child already understands that the glass will break if thrown with stones. But maybe the child will try this to find out whether he has the concept. In addition, they already know the difference between reality and fantasy, even though they will still play pretend with their toys, or even make imaginary friends.

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Development of 5 year old toddlers


A 5-year-old child has at least 4 cm of height and 2 kg of weight - but this weight gain is relative.

Motor skills

If your child has entered the age of 5 years then you can teach it to pee or defecate in the toilet, even though sometimes they still wet their bed. They also have been able to wear and remove their own clothes, can draw people with more complete parts, use spoons and forks properly and correctly, and can write capital letters and lowercase letters.

Language skill

The language skills are very developed, your child can tell the full experience, feelings, and characteristics of the people they meet. You can also share your thoughts and ask questions about various things.

Cognitive abilities

Children who are 5 years old can already remember the home address and telephone number of the closest person, more and more familiar with various letters and numbers, understand the concept of time like later, a few days later, tomorrow and so on, and can count objects around them .

Stages of Development of Toddlers from Year to Year
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