5 Facts You Need to Know About Breech Babies


Medical Video: How to Turn a Breech Baby

When is your labor soon and your doctor says that the position of the baby is breech in the stomach? Do you need to worry? What can you do? What causes a breech baby?

What is breech?

About 3-4% of pregnancies can experience a breech baby's position. Breech pregnancy occurs when the baby's head is in the upper part of the uterus, while the baby's legs or buttocks are at the bottom. In 'normal' pregnancy, the baby will automatically position his head below or near the birth canal to prepare for labor. However, this change in position does not occur in breech pregnancies, therefore, the breech baby's position will be a challenge both for the mother and baby in the face of labor.

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What causes the breech baby's position?

There are three types of breech positions, namely perfect breech, pure breech, and breech legs (footling) Grouping these positions depends on the location of the baby in the uterus, but certainly, in all three positions, the baby's bottom is at the mouth of the birth canal.

Doctors cannot explain exactly why breech positions occur, however, according to American Academy Assocationthere are several reasons why babies position themselves in the 'wrong' position in the womb. The causes include:

  • If a woman has been pregnant many times.
  • Twin pregnancy.
  • If a woman has a premature delivery.
  • Amniotic fluid is too much or too little. Too much fluid gives too much space for the baby to move, while too little fluid makes it impossible for the baby to move.
  • Abnormal shape of the uterus
  • Placenta previa

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How do you know that my baby's position is breech?

A baby is not considered breech unless it has passed 35 or 36 weeks. It is natural for a baby's head to be under or the baby's position to cross before 35 weeks' gestation. After that, as the baby grows in size and the smaller the space in the womb for the baby, the more difficult it will be for the baby to position himself in the right position.

Obstetricians will usually be able to tell your baby's position by feeling the outside of your stomach. Next, your doctor will probably ensure the actual position of the baby through ultrasound.

What complications might occur due to breech position?

In general, breech position is not dangerous until the time of delivery. Normal labor with breech position has a high risk of becoming stuck. Your baby may be stuck in the birth canal and cannot breathe due to the breakdown of oxygen intake from the umbilical cord.

The important question to ask when you have a breech pregnancy is apa what method of delivery is the safest? ’Previously, before a caesarean section commonly practiced, doctors and midwives are trained to be skilled in helping breech deliveries normally. However, still, breech labor normally has a higher risk than labor in a normal position.

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A study involving 2000 women in 26 countries found that, overall, a caesarean section planned to be safer for babies compared to normal delivery in breech pregnancies. The mortality and complications are significantly lower at caesarean delivery. However, the rate of complications in the mother is almost as large as caesarean delivery or normal.

A study also concluded that a woman can still experience normal labor that is safe in a breech position with the help of trained personnel if the woman wants to give birth spontaneously. However, most health workers will prefer the safest method as much as possible, then surgery is a method that is more desirable than normal labor in breech positions.

Can the breech position be corrected?

So, what should you do if your baby is in a breech position? Aside from certainly talking about the surgery plan with your doctor, you can also do various ways to 'play' your baby. The possibility of success will depend on the cause of your baby breech. As long as you use a safe method, it won't be a problem.

External version

An external version is a procedure where the doctor will try to turn your baby into a normal position manually through the outside of your stomach. According toAmerican College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), doctors generally recommend this procedure between 36 to 38 weeks' gestation. This procedure is usually done in a hospital with the help of two helpers. Your baby will always be monitored to avoid complications that might occur. You need to know, ACOG noted that the success of this method is only 50%.

Essential oil

Some women claim by applying essential oils like peppermint on the stomach, they can make their babies spin on their own. However, always consult your doctor before you use essential oils.


One of the most popular methods for reversing a baby's position is to reverse the position of the mother's own body, through various positions such as prostration, doing handstand in swimming swimming, and lifting hips with pillows.

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Always consult a doctor

Always consult and control your pregnancy to a doctor at a hospital or health center. Your obstetrician will tell you if your baby's position is breech. You can talk to your doctor about alternative birth choices that you can take, including the risks and benefits of choosing surgery, and how to prepare yourself

5 Facts You Need to Know About Breech Babies
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