Apparently, these 5 vaginal problems can be experienced by a mother during pregnancy


Medical Video: Normal Vaginal Childbirth

During pregnancy, your body will experience many changes, such as bigger breasts, enlarged stomachs. However, you may not realize that your vagina is also changing. It is important to understand how pregnancy affects vaginal health.

Vaginal health during pregnancy

vaginal discharge during young pregnancy

Here are some things that can affect your vaginal health during pregnancy.

1. Leucorrhoea increases

If you feel too much vaginal discharge during pregnancy, don't panic. The reason, this is very reasonable and common in pregnancy. This condition is caused by high levels of estrogen and progesterone. Increased blood volume and blood flow can also cause vaginal discharge to increase.

Leucorrhoea during pregnancy usually has a thin, white milk-like texture and should not smell. However, some may have a slightly more odor than before.

2. Increases the risk of vaginal infections

In some cases, too much vaginal discharge can also indicate infection. Vaginal infections are common during pregnancy, as hormonal changes that change your vaginal pH balance.

Vaginal infections that commonly occur during pregnancy include:

Fungal infections

During pregnancy, vaginal fluid contains more sugar which is a food from mushrooms. Fungal infections will not harm your unborn baby, but this condition will make you uncomfortable.

Symptoms of fungal infections include vaginal itching, vaginal discharge that resembles cottage cheese and smells, and the vagina feels hot like burning.

Bacterial vaginosis

According to the American Pregnancy Association, 10 to 30 percent of pregnant women will experience bacterial vaginosis. This condition is caused by an imbalance of good and bad vaginal bacteria.

The main symptom is fishy, ​​grayish liquid. If this condition is left untreated it can lead to premature labor, low birth weight, and miscarriage.


Trichomoniasis is an infection that is transmitted through sex with an infected person. This condition can cause serious pregnancy complications, such as ruptured amniotic fluid and premature birth.

Trichomoniasis symptoms include discharge of foul smelling, greenish yellow, itchy and reddish vaginal discharge, and pain during urination and sex. In addition, when the examination by the doctor will find the cervix (cervix) you look red like strawberry.

3. Make the vagina swollen

During pregnancy, blood flow increases which is useful for supporting baby's growth. So that the labia (vaginal mouth) and vagina will appear to swell and feel fuller.

Swelling and increased blood flow can also increase libido and make you feel easily aroused. Hormonal changes and increased blood flow can also cause the vagina and labia to become dark and bluish.

However, in some cases, vaginal swelling can be caused by infection. If vaginal swelling is accompanied by redness, burning sensation, and itching, immediately contact your doctor.

4. Vulva varicose veins

Varicose veins can appear during pregnancy, but not only on your feet. Varicose veins during pregnancy can also appear in the area of ​​your vulva and vagina.

Varicose veins are caused by increased blood volume, enlarged uterine pressure and hormonal changes. Vulva varicose veins can cause the vagina and vulva to feel stressed and uncomfortable.

You can help relieve symptoms with cold compresses, lift your hips while lying down, and wear compression clothing. Usually vulvar varices will disappear by themselves a few weeks after giving birth.

5. Vaginal bleeding

Vaginal bleeding during the first trimester is an unusual condition. This condition may be due to the implantation of a fertilized egg to the wall of your uterus. This may also be caused by an increase in blood volume.

In some cases, vaginal bleeding is a sign of miscarriage, especially if accompanied by severe cramps, such as menstruation, and the release of a tissue through your vagina.

Meanwhile, vaginal bleeding during the second and third trimesters is a condition that needs attention. You should seek medical treatment immediately if your vaginal bleeding is caused by:

  • placenta abruption (when the placenta peels off from the uterine lining)
  • premature opening of the cervix
  • preterm labor
  • the uterus is torn

When labor begins, you may experience vaginal discharge mixed with pink mucus. Don't worry, the condition is normal.

Tips for maintaining vaginal health during and after pregnancy

maintain vaginal health

Your vaginal health during pregnancy and childbirth will change, so you need special attention. Here are some tips for keeping your vagina healthy during and after pregnancy:

  • Dry your vaginal area by using a clean towel after bathing or swimming.
  • Clean your vaginal area from front to back
  • Don't use douches or fragrant sanitary napkins or tampons.
  • Avoid female hygiene sprays or vaginal care products that contain fragrances.
  • Wear loose clothing or underwear.
  • Eat yogurt regularly.
  • Reduce your sugar intake.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Eat healthy, balanced foods and regular exercise.
Apparently, these 5 vaginal problems can be experienced by a mother during pregnancy
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