Are Henna Tattoos Safe to Use for Pregnant Women?


Medical Video: Is it allowed to fast or apply henna during Pregnancy?-Dr. Nupur Sood

Want to decorate the skin with beautiful carvings, henna tattoos may be an option. Besides being non-permanent, using henna is also easy and painless. The method is to just mix the henna powder with water, then paint it on the skin and wait a while. After drying, the henna is rinsed with water and will leave orange or brown carved marks on the skin.

Making tattoos from henna has become a centuries-old tradition, especially in several Middle Eastern countries. One tradition is to tattoo on the stomach with henna by pregnant women. Actually, is it safe if pregnant women make tattoos from henna? For pregnant women who are interested in doing this, see the following review.

Can pregnant women make henna tattoos?

Although there are no restrictions, henna is not necessarily safe for everyone. Especially people who have sensitive skin or certain medical conditions. There are Henna sold in the market that are made from natural ingredients, some are not. Natural Henna is made from dried henna leaves and pounded until smooth. This type of henna is safely applied to the skin and will leave brownish marks, brownish orange, or reddish brown for one to three weeks.

While unnatural henna tends to be black. This black Henna contains para-phenylenediamine (PPD) chemicals which are prone to itchy reactions, rashes and skin irritations. Even for severe cases it can cause dermatitis on the skin. The Foods and Drugs Administration (FDA) in the United States does not recommend the use of henna containing PPD for use on the skin.

often fart during pregnancy

The use of henna, which is still confusing, certainly makes pregnant women confused. Quoted from the page Mom Junction, for pregnant women without any medical conditions, you may just make a tattoo of henna. As long as you have confirmed correctly if henna is made from natural ingredients, without additional chemicals.

If you are in doubt, avoiding using henna is a wise step. Because, when pregnant using certain ingredients can be very risky. Not only the health of the mother, the fetus in the womb can also be affected by development and health.

Then, for pregnant women having anemia, lack of G6DP (chromosomal abnormalities that affect red blood), or experiencing hyperbilirubinemia (increased bilirubin levels in the fetus), the use of henna should indeed be avoided.

Tips to safely use henna tattoos for pregnant women

Before you use henna, it's good to do a consultation with your doctor first. In addition, you need to pay attention to the following things so you can use henna tattoos safely, such as:

  • Make sure the henna you use is made from natural ingredients. First read the henna content on the product packaging.
  • Do a sensitivity test on your skin first. The trick is to apply a little henna paste to the skin, wait for one to three hours. If there is no allergic reaction, you may use henna. However, if a strange sensation appears on the skin, you should stop using henna.
  • See your doctor immediately if you experience symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, itching, or fever after you use henna on the skin.
Are Henna Tattoos Safe to Use for Pregnant Women?
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