Before Pregnant Women Join Boot Camp, Meet These Requirements First


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Exercise is important for maintaining the health of pregnant women and their babies. Regular exercise can reduce the severity of morning sickness, overcome back pain and aches, to help launch labor. Pregnant women who diligently exercise are even believed to be able to give birth to intelligent children later. When you get bored with this type of exercise, pregnant women may, you know, take part in a boot camp! However, first read the boot camp requirements for pregnant women below so that your pregnancy is still guaranteed safe.

What is done during the boot camp?

Boot camp is an intensive sports program specifically designed to increase strength and endurance, under the supervision of a (or more) instructor or personal trainer from a fitness center. Boot camp programs are organized in such a way as to help people get past their comfort zones and build regular exercise routines.

The types of exercises included in the boot camp program can vary. Can include running, jumping, going up and down stairs, jumping rope, push ups, pull ups, sit ups, up and down hills, gymnastics, to yoga and pilates. Some boot camp training sites can even include heavier types of exercise, such as climbing, lifting weights, and tugging.

In essence, boot camp training is interval training - "packages" of various types of exercise carried out by alternating levels of speed and intensity, from light to moderate to high, which are carried out in a short period of time (generally one hour per session). Boot camp is generally done in groups, although it can also be alone.

Boot camp for pregnant women is fine

Boot camp is a sports program that is quite intense, actuallynot everyone can and may take part in boot camp just like that without any preparation. Especially if the physical condition is not prime.However, according to Erica Kroenenberg, a sports instructor specifically for pregnant women on the Self page, boot camps for pregnant women are okay.

Further Kroenenberg, some types of training in boot camp programs are actually useful for improving the fitness of pregnant women. Plank exercises, for example, are considered good and safest for pregnant women to do because they can helpstrengthen the core muscles and lower back. In the end, this can help reduce back pain during pregnancy and deliver labor because the fetus's center of gravity will be pushed forward.

Read these terms first before joining boot camp for pregnant women

Physical activity that is too intense and carried out quickly has a high risk of falling pregnant women. Because the center of gravity of your body will change during pregnancy, making the balance of your body vulnerable to faltering.

So, you should consult your obstetrician first and get his approval before registering at the nearest boot camp program. Especially if even before becoming pregnant you have never tried boot camp or doing similar interval training.

The most important thing is that you must really recognize the intricacies of your own body and understand to what extent your current physical abilities. Tell the instructor or personal trainerif you are pregnant and when experiencing difficulties in certain sessions. After that, the instructor will adjust the program to your condition and provide appropriate training techniques.

You must keep your heart rate and breathing steady. Always meet your fluid needs before, during, and after exercise to avoid dehydration. Stop exercise immediately when you start feeling tired; until you can't talk because your breath is too tired; and do not force the movements that you cannot follow.

Older pregnant may not join boot camp

Boot camp is not recommended starting at 20 weeks' gestation. Because physical activity that is too strong can make the stomach uncomfortable along with the growth of the fetus. In addition, your tendon muscles will become more flexible because of the increase in relaxin hormone, a hormone that increases the risk of clots and sprains.

The closer it is to labor, the entire joints of the body begin to loosen as an effect of preparation for childbirth. Therefore, you need to avoid doing movements that stretch the muscles too much so as not to trigger stiffness of the muscles and ligaments.

Before Pregnant Women Join Boot Camp, Meet These Requirements First
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