Can Pregnant Women Use Pain Relief Ointment Medication?


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In addition to nausea, pregnant women also often experience pain in parts of the body, especially the waist or lower back. This is normal, because the fetus in the uterus causes pressure on the hips causing pain and ease. Fortunately this condition can be overcome with painkillers, both oral and ointment. But when you're pregnant, can you use a pain reliever ointment?

How to safely deal with body aches during pregnancy

When you are pregnant, using drugs for minor ailments can be very complicated. Why? It is feared that the content of drugs can interfere with fetal development. Moreover, if the pregnancy is just entering the first trimester, developing fetal organs will be very vulnerable to several drugs.

Body pain is a problem that is often complained of by pregnant women. This condition can actually be alleviated by putting a compress from a towel that was previously soaked in warm water. The compress can be placed on painful parts of the body.

But in some cases, body aches can not be overcome easily even after using compresses. That is, you need a pain reliever, such as a pain reliever ointment.

When you are pregnant, use a pain reliever ointment?

ointment for ketoconazole

When you are not pregnant and feel pain, you may choose a pain ointment. However, when pregnant, feelings of doubt must arise, whether this drug is safe to use or not.

Painkillers often prescribed by doctors are acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin. These drugs are available in the form of tablets, capsules and ointments.

Acetaminophen is most considered the safest for pregnant women, so it will be used for the first treatment. However, most anti-ointment drugs contain aspirin.

Generally aspirin is not recommended for use during pregnancy unless you have a medical condition that really needs to be treated with the drug.

Why? The use of high-dose aspirin in the first trimester can cause miscarriages or defects in the fetus. Then, the use of long-term high-dose aspirin during pregnancy can cause brain bleeding in premature babies or interfere with blood vessels in the heart of the fetus.

Safe or not the use of drugs, actually depends on the condition of the body and your pregnancy. So, before using painkillers, whether taken or applied to the skin, you should first consult a doctor.

Can Pregnant Women Use Pain Relief Ointment Medication?
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