Congestion in the Middle of the Road, What Causes and How to Overcome It?


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Every prospective mother wants a birth running smoothly without obstacles. However, it is not impossible that labor is stuck in the middle of the roadso that in the end he was required to undergo a caesarean section. Congestion in the medical world is called dystocia.What caused it?

A glimpse of dystocia

Dystocia is a condition of normal labor that is blocked or difficult. Obstructed labor causes the process of childbirth to go long because it does not progress.As many as 50 percent of caesarean section cases are caused by congestion.

What causes congestion?

The condition of the mother during childbirth and the condition of the baby in the womb are both at risk of causing congestion in the middle of the road.

The wrong way to push or a tired mother in the middle of a pushing process can be a risk factor for dystocia. In addition, there are also other factors from the condition of the mother that can increase the risk of labor loss, including:

  • The mother's posture is short or less than 150 cm
  • Mother's age is more than 35 years
  • Pregnancy more than 41 weeks
  • The distance between giving epidural induction with a complete opening of more than 6 hours
  • Birth defects, for example because of the narrow pelvis (either at the top, middle or pelvic door), or there are tumors that narrow the birth canal so that the baby is difficult to get out.
  • Cervical abnormalities that fail to dilate during labor.

From the risk factors for a baby's condition, labor can get stuck in the middle of the road because of the position of the breech baby or certain fetal abnormalities, such as the position of the baby's shoulder that is stuck on the mother's pelvic floor (shoulder dystocia). Giving birth to a large baby through normal childbirth can also increase the risk of the mother having a labor that takes a long time.

Complicated labor is congested

Stubborn labor that is not handled properly can cause complications, both in the mother and the baby conceived. Impacts on mothers include the risk of bleeding, trauma or birth canal injury, and infection.

As for infants, long-term labor can cause the baby to suffocate due to oxygen deprivation (asphyxia), head hematoma (a lump of blood in the head), and scalp necrosis (death of scalp tissue).

How do doctors deal with congested labor?

If congestion is caused by baby's shoulder dystocia,midwives or doctors must take several ways to help remove the baby, including:

  • Put pressure on the mother's stomach
  • Ask the mother to bend both legs and bring the knee closer to the chest
  • Help rotate baby's shoulders manually
  • Do an episiotomy to make room for the shoulder

These methods run the risk of causing nerve injury to the baby's shoulders, arms and hands, but will usually gradually improve within 6-12 months.

If it reaches a fatal level, shoulder dystocia can cause damage to the baby's brain because his brain does not get enough oxygen. Complications of fatal shoulder dystocia can even cause death.While for mothers, the way above risks causing inflammation in the uterus, vagina, cervix until heavy postpartum bleeding.

In most cases, the most important way to deal with congestion is to have an emergency caesarean section.

Congestion in the Middle of the Road, What Causes and How to Overcome It?
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