One Geng, Pregnant Together: Can Pregnancy Really Be 'Transmitted'?



According to one study, pregnancy can be transmitted to those who have friendship ties. Though in theory, pregnancy can only occur when a sperm manages to fertilize an egg produced by a woman's body during ovulation. So, what is meant by "contagious" in this case?

The intended transmission does not occur through physical contact, but through emotional contact

The results of the study revealed that if you have a high school friend who already has children, then you are more likely to be "infected", meaning that you are more motivated to become pregnant, immediately planning a pregnancy within two years.

Why is the role of friends so important in influencing that decision? In the study, it was explained that friends turned out to have a strong influence on the affairs of having a baby, even though this influence was short term. Pregnancy experienced by your friends can also be a real source of information to learn, especially regarding how your age can face the transition to becoming a parent.

After all, you tend to want to identify yourself or compare yourself with friends of your age. For example, by thinking and feeling that your friend already has a child, whereas you haven't, this makes you want to also have children soon.

The desire to have a child will feel so strong when two years after your friend gives birth. After that, the desire will gradually decrease.

So it can be concluded, unconsciously, the plan to have children which should be a very personal decision, might be influenced by the friendship environment. This is why it is quite common for a group of friendly women to get pregnant in the near future, because each one inspires and motivates each other.

Consider pregnancy because you are ready, not because your friend is pregnant

Don't decide to have children just because you see friends who are already parents. Remember, being a parent is a heavy responsibility and cannot be done just to meet social demands.

If you want to have a baby, make sure you and your partner are ready. One of them is emotional readiness. Next is the sign that you are emotionally prepared.

  • It's ready for your time to be divided. When you have a baby, you cannot be free to do the things you normally do. Now, your time can be said to belong to your child.
  • Happy with small children. When there is a small child you are immediately happy and want to invite him to play.
  • Not so ambitious in career matters. You can no longer overtime and go home late at night because there are small creatures who need you at home.
  • Your household runs harmoniously. There is no need for a perfect marriage to have children. However, harmony means that your household is in good condition. For example, there are no serious problems in the household such as infidelity, domestic violence, communication problems with spouses, and other marital problems.

Pregnancy can be transmitted emotionally to you when there are your peers who already have children. If at that time you are ready to be a parent, you can start planning a pregnancy.

One Geng, Pregnant Together: Can Pregnancy Really Be 'Transmitted'?
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