Pregnancy Glow: Is the Skin of Pregnant Women More Serious?


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Pregnancy is the dream of every married woman. When pregnant, women feel perfect. Many women experience changes during pregnancy, ranging from skin changes, changes in mood, changes in habits, even changes in attitude. This happens naturally because during pregnancy there are many physiological changes in the body.

Some women experience negative changes during pregnancy, but not a few experience positive changes. One of them is a healthier skin change during pregnancy so that women feel more beautiful. This change is usually called pregnancy glow. Some women experience pregnancy glow looks more beautiful, has healthier skin, radiant, bright and supple.

But, is this change reasonable or just feeling? How did it happen naturally? Let's see…

Actually, what is that pregnancy glow?

During pregnancy, there are many physiological changes in the body. The hormones in the body work more actively so that the mother experiences various conditions. Pregnancy glow is one of the physiological changes that occur in the body of pregnant women. Pregnancy glow are changes that occur on the skin caused by increased hormones during pregnancy. These changes produce skin that looks more radiant, bright, supple, and flushed. Then be grateful for those of you who experience pregnancy glow during pregnancy. Because not all pregnant women experience pregnancy glow so that it looks prettier, some of the pregnant women actually experience the opposite, such as the skin looks more dull and dry.

How about pregnancy glow Can occur?

As reported by mayoclinic, according to Roger W. Harms pregnancy glow really happened. Pregnancy glow this occurs because of various physiological changes that occur in the body resulting in changes to the skin. During pregnancy, blood volume increases by around 50% and production of the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) hormone also increases. Increased blood volume causes more blood flow to the arteries, causing the skin to look more rosy and supple. While the hormones HCG and progesterone, causing the skin glands on the face to release more oil, thus helping to make the skin look more smooth and radiant.

More oil production on the skin also produces moisture on the skin. This has a positive impact on those of you who have dry skin problems before becoming pregnant. Changes in blood volume and the hormones HCG and progesterone that cause pregnancy glow happen.

Are there any negative effects?

Not all pregnant women experience pregnancy glow become free of skin problems. Luckily for those of you who experience a good change because of changes in oil production on the skin, but for those of you who already have excess oil on the face it seems like this change must be handled properly so as not to cause problems on the skin of the face.

Production of oil on the face that is more during pregnancy sometimes has a negative effect on some pregnant women. Usually this happens to you which often experiences spotty during the menstrual period. Because during pregnancy you spend more oil on your face, acne is more prone to appear during pregnancy. However, don't worry! This can be treated by using an oil-free facial cleanser to help reduce the amount of oil on the skin.

When pregnancy glow happen?

Every pregnant woman experiences changes during pregnancy that vary, the time also varies between individuals, cannot be said correctly. Similarly, when it occurs pregnancy glow. Pregnancy glow occurs at different times for each pregnant woman. There are pregnant women who experience it pregnancy glow at the beginning of the first trimester, but there are also those who experience it at the beginning of the second trimester. There are even pregnant women who don't experience it at all pregnancy glow. This happens differently for each individual depending on the body, hormones, and the impact of pregnancy.

Luckily for those of you who experience it pregnancy glow so that the skin looks healthier and more beautiful. However, don't forget to keep taking good care of it so that the beauty of the skin is maintained. Any changes that can occur in your body during pregnancy depend on the physiological changes that occur in the body. Thank God for all the changes that occur to you so that positive feelings always envelop yourself so that it has a good impact on the fetus.


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Pregnancy Glow: Is the Skin of Pregnant Women More Serious?
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