Wine Pregnancy Characteristics that need to be watched out


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Wine pregnancy is a condition that results in the growth of cysts in uterine tissue during the fertilization process. In medical terms, this condition is called hydatidiform mole.

This condition is divided into two types, namely partial (partial) and complete pregnancy. Partial grape pregnancy occurs when the embryo and abnormal cells grow together. This results in the fetus not being able to develop due to abnormal cell growth faster. While complete wine pregnancy is a condition when the uterus only has a placenta but no fetus is formed. This happens when sperm fertilizes an empty egg. So, what are the characteristics of wine pregnancy?

Characteristics of grape pregnancy

If you experience pregnancy wine, the body will show various signs and symptoms that must be immediately examined by a doctor such as:

1. Pelvic pain

Women who experience pregnancy wine will feel excessive pressure in the pelvis. This condition usually causes pain that is quite disturbing.

2. Nausea and vomiting

Although nausea and vomiting are common in pregnant women, in people who are pregnant with wine this condition attacks more severely than usual.

3. Bleeding

You will experience vaginal bleeding that is brown to bright red during the first trimester. Usually accompanied by a collection of lumps like grapes that come out of the vagina.

4. Early preeclampsia

Preeclampsia or high blood pressure without a history of hypertension usually occurs in the 20th week of pregnancy. However, people who experience pregnancy wine actually experience it in the early weeks of pregnancy.

5. Increased levels of hCG

Another characteristic that indicates a person experiencing pregnancy wine is that hCG levels increase higher than normal pregnant women. HCG hormone is a hormone made by the placenta during pregnancy.

6. There is no sign of life in the fetus

Usually this is indicated by the absence of a movement or heartbeat that is detected as in pregnancy in general. In some cases, this could be a feature of grape pregnancy that was first realized by prospective mothers.

7. Abnormal uterine growth

This condition is characterized by the growth of the uterus (uterus) that is too early in early pregnancy. As a result, the uterus increases in abnormal size, not according to gestational age. So, the stomach of a woman who is pregnant with wine can look bigger than the belly of a pregnant woman her age.

8. Hyperthyroidism

This condition occurs when the thyroid gland is overactive and produces excessive thyroxine hormone. This results in various metabolic disorders in the body.

9. The appearance of ovarian cysts

In grape pregnancy, the placenta develops into a cyst that develops abnormally. This cyst is a fluid-filled bag that forms inside the ovary.

10. Anemia

Anemia can be a feature of grape pregnancy that needs to be watched out for and occurs usually as a result of someone lacking healthy red blood cells.

Wine Pregnancy Characteristics that need to be watched out
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