5 Benefits of Yoga That Can Make You Become a Better Leader


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The benefits of yoga for mental health may not need to be doubted. Even the latest findings say that yoga is also useful for training leadership skills, especially in leading yourself. This is good for everyone, especially if you are workers who are haunted every day deadline and confused time well. Then, how can yoga practice that ability? Check out the reviews in this article.

Benefits of yoga to practice self leadership

Yoga is a physical activity that has developed thousands of years ago in India. This one physical activity involves many elements, such as meditation, breathing exercises, balance ability, and flexibility of the body. All these elements must be achieved in order to balance your emotions, soul, mental, and overall health.

The benefits of yoga are not only limited to that. Sara Canaday, a leadership expert, career strategy, and book writerYou - According to Them,explained to Psychology Today about the benefits of yoga which can also be used to build leadership concepts.

Here are some reasons why this one activity can indirectly also train your self leadership.

1. Grow self-awareness

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Most people might consider yoga as a sport to flex the body. Even though indirectly, this physical activity also helps you in growing self-awareness. Yes, yoga helps sharpen the ability to determine your true thoughts and feelings at certain times.

In short, yoga is a means to reflect, process, and clarify all your thoughts and feelings. This is reflected before you start a yoga class. Yoga instructors often say "focus on yourself ..." or "re-examine yourself ..."

Interestingly, many people do not realize that the choices they have made so far are actually the fruits of their own hearts and minds. That is why, it is important for those of you who want to try to be a good leader to look back on your experiences so far. Because the experience will foster your awareness of how you have acted so far.

2. Sharpen focus

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During a number of yoga movements, the trainer applies the technique drishti or focus eyesight to keep their attention from going nowhere. Indirectly this aims to dispel interference, helps build focus, concentration, and also self-awareness.

In the world of work, every day you are certainly familiar with the interference, whether it's a technical or non-technical disturbance. Various disturbances that are certainly not allowed to be a barrier to working optimally. Well, you can apply the drishti technique to yoga to increase your focus and concentration in work.

3. Strong but still humble

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Humility makes itself motivated to continue learning and open up. Research also shows that humility is one of the most important leadership qualities to make people from various backgrounds feel involved.

Unfortunately, humility may not be the first word that comes to mind when we think of successful leaders. Sometimes, the strength and courage of a leader is the center of attention.

However, yoga shows us that strength and humility can go hand in hand. This is reflected in the Humble Warrior pose. It was said like that because his movements could increase stamina like a strong soldier. This movement involves an element of surrender, but still requires extraordinary strength and balance.

4. Rest and recovery

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Yoga classes usually end with a pose called Savasana. This pose is arguably the most comfortable in a yoga practice session because it usually only asks participants to lie down without moving. Even so, many people are impatient to follow the savasana pose to completion because they feel bored to keep silent in one movement that takes a long time. In fact, this pose is not present without purpose.

Savasana is a pose that is designed as a means of meditation to gather energy and learn how to let your body and mind relax. In short, savasana emphasizes the importance of rest and recovery.

In work, being a hard working and dedicated leader is certainly not wise if you ignore your own needs, one of which is rest. This means that giving yourself time to rest and recovery is important. Even these two things can bring yourself to work more optimally in playing the role of a leader.

5. Respect others

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Generally, after practicing yoga your trainer will close the exercise by saying 'Namaste' which is accompanied by a movement to close both hands. This is not without meaning and purpose. Namaste is a very meaningful word. Namaste literally means 'I bow to you'.

In yoga, the word sentiment is often expressed as "the highest in me bends to the highest in you". This is a beautiful reminder of our relationship with others, and about the values ​​that exist in every human person.

Well, this 'Namaste' philosophy is also a good idea to remember when you work as a leader. According to the Center for Creative Leadership, when the world becomes more interconnected, leaders must become more collaborative. These leaders are also required to have the ability to think broadly, open themselves to various perspectives, and integrate them as a solution.

5 Benefits of Yoga That Can Make You Become a Better Leader
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