According to Science, Can We Fall in Love at First Look?


Medical Video: Is Love At First Sight A Real Thing?

For some people, love at first sight may seem cliched or even made up. Some people even claim that this happens only because of physical attraction. How can you fall in love with someone just because they first saw it? Do you know your personality or not, how can you love someone who is clearly unknown or even the first time you see it?For that, see the views of psychologists about love at first sight.

Is love at first sight?

Actually, the term love at first sight seems wrong because it cannot be clearly understood. This is because, when you mention love at first glance, it means referring to the love you feel when you first see it.

Seeing people for the first time is unable to detect their characteristics. Although you may sometimes be able to guess someone's nature from his appearance, it's just luck or coincidence. You might admire his appearance, but you can't say love because you don't know the person, let alone know his nature. Thus, just by seeing other people at a glance without having the opportunity to get to know him further you cannot say you love that person.

American psychologist Linda Blair said that love at first sight is more about lust at first sight because the first thing the eye sees is appearance or appearance. So, it is possible that physical attraction actually arises.

Blair said, true love takes longer to grow. It takes enough time to determine whether it is love or just being physically attracted.

Yes, love at first sight is just a passionate attraction then, not deep. Therefore, there is always the possibility that this love cannot be taken towards a more serious relationship. The fact that love at first sight can disappear after a while implies that this is not serious love.

Very rarely does love at first sight lead to a deeper relationship, because over time it turns out what you think about someone is not in accordance with reality. However, this is not a fixed price. There are also some couples who initially were only physically interested. However, after getting to know each other's figures more deeply, his love continued to grow.

5 stages of falling in love

Then does love at first glance exist?

Although most experts don't believe it, some people believe that love at first sight is real. A feeling of pleasure that is bulging and irregular heartbeat and a sense of confidence that he is the soulmate make some people feel that he found his love the first time he saw.

The feeling of dejavu or déjà vu can also accompany this. A feeling where you feel you have known that person in the past. Even though obviously you just saw it five seconds ago. Or maybe at first glance you feel half of yourself like being attracted to him like a magnet.

Plato philosophers once argued that when our souls descended from heaven to earth, they were divided so that the first meeting with the soulmate became a kind of reunion. However, the metaphysical explanation expressed by Plato cannot be used as a reference.

However, you still need relationships and interactions directly to determine whether it really is your soul mate or not. Therefore, you have to admit that you really don't really love him at first sight. There must be a good relationship to love someone because love does not come automatically. Bertrand Russell, a great philosopher of the world states that you need to recognize directly before you love him, this term is called "Knowledge by acquaintance".

Attempts to recognize someone can be cognitive, based on what he says to you, and what emotions he expresses. Then it can be through the tone of voice, then the way it behaves, to how it responds to something. This does not mean that all kinds of introductions are needed to "love at first sight". However, to emphasize that love cannot be limited only by visual perception.

This kind of introduction allows you to assess and consider many things more. For example, does he have the same sense of humor as you? Is his attitude in accordance with the values ​​that you profess? Do you feel comfortable when you are nearby?

This kind of evaluation occurs at a level that is more than just the first gaze or meeting. That's where new love at first sight can turn into deeper and more sustainable.

Can we distinguish love or just like it at first sight?

Liking and loving clearly are two different things. So, even though you like your first introduction to someone does not mean you can love him. All of this returns to you about what each version of love means.

Love is often described as a relationship or feeling that contains commitment, consistency, honesty, trust, attention, and so forth. In essence, the love process is the process by which you do "mutual" things. So whatever you do is done for the sake of mutual happiness, not personal.

In the case of love at the first introduction, deep attention to each other seems to have not grown, because the time needed to grow it is too short. Love takes time to develop. After the first meeting, you can begin to think whether this person is right for you or just the opposite. Loving someone in depth requires beginning, and love at the first introduction can lead you to true love.

In the end, love at first sight might happen. However, only people who have that experience are better able to interpret it. Do you really love at first sight or you just like the first introduction.

According to Science, Can We Fall in Love at First Look?
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