Beware, Blind Jealousy on Couples Can Be a Sign of Mental Disorders


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Jealousy is a sign of love, people say. Jealousy within reasonable limits can make the relationship more lasting. But be careful if you have been playing accusations for no apparent reason - "Where did you go together with women ?!", even though it turns out he is a cousin of your partner who just visited after so long. Burning jealous blindness can be a sign of a mental disorder called Othello syndrome.

Burning jealousy is natural, but ...

Just like happiness, anger, sadness, and disappointment, jealousy is a natural human emotion. Jealousy is an instinct triggered by increased activity in the anterior cingulate cortex, which is the part of the brain that creates a sense of pleasure. However, this area of ​​the brain is also related to exclusion and feeling of betrayal.

Jealousy is a sign that you value a commitment that you both made together, so you will feel disappointed if the commitment is violated. The jealousy that you experience is also a form of expression that you care about and want your relationship with your partner to continue. Jealousy causes a surge in the levels of testosterone and cortisol which trigger a desire for you to maintain your partner every time you are hit by jealousy. This is also reinforced by an increase in lateral septum activity, part of the brain that plays a role in controlling emotions and bonding to partners.

the couple wants to break up

So, jealousy is the alarm in charge of reminding you that romance must always be fostered and maintained, not just let go. However, jealousy can be considered healthy when you are still able to think logically, not dramatize the problem so that it continues to be protracted and enlarges. Healthy jealousy is when you are able to calm down and start talking about the problem well with your partner without being emotionally blinded.

If jealousy makes you turn obsessive and show possessive behavior, be careful. This can be a sign of jealous blindness that is not at all healthy.

Blind jealousy can be a sign of Othello syndrome

Excessive jealousy can be a sign that you have a mental disorder called Othello syndrome. The name of this syndrome was adapted from one of the famous figures by Shakespeare, Othello, a warrior who was burning jealously blind after being influenced and manipulated by his fellow soldiers about his wife's infidelity. In the end, Othello killed his own wife, even though the wife did not do the alleged things at all.

Othello's syndrome is a delusional psychiatric disorder. Delusions occur when the brain senses or processes something that doesn't really happen. That is, someone who is delusional cannot distinguish between reality and imagination, so he believes in and behaves according to things he believes (which is very contrary to the real situation). Someone who has Othello syndrome is very confident that his partner is having an affair so he keeps harboring excessive and unnatural jealousy.

They will also continue to try to justify or prove that their partner is unfaithful. An example is to always check the phone cellphone gallery, check sms and chat, answer every incoming call,kepo-in Facebook and email, always asking for the location and what he does every 5 minutes, until secretly trailing the couple wherever he goes (stalking) - to get evidence that his partner is unfaithful, even though there isn't really any odd changes to himself his partner.

It's not impossible that the tendency to burn jealously blind from Othello's syndrome then results in acts of violence or crime, such as suicide or murder, both to their spouse or other parties who are considered to interfere with their relationship with their spouse.

Othello's syndrome is more common in men, who have neurological disorders

Othello syndrome is actually rarely found, but most are suffered by men in their 40s. One study also found that around 69.5% of patients with Othello syndrome had neurological disorders that underlie their behavior.

Some neurological diseases that are often associated with Othello syndrome are stroke, head trauma, brain tumor, neurodegenerative diseases (deterioration of nerve functions), brain infections, to the effects of illicit drug use, especially those containing dopamine.

Brain disorders that usually occur in Othello syndrome originate in the forebrain, which in general regulates social behavior, problem solving, and motor function or regulating movement.

However, that does not mean healthy people who do not belong to the above characteristics cannot experience Othello Syndrome.

Beware, Blind Jealousy on Couples Can Be a Sign of Mental Disorders
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