Beware, Stroke Can Attack People with Depression and Other Mental Disorders


Medical Video: Beware Of Satan's Depression/Mental Health Attacks (EP. #2) 2017

Stroke is a chronic disease that most often occurs due to a blockage of blood vessels in the brain. Stroke has been the cause of the deaths of six million people each year and resulted in five million people in the world experiencing paralysis.

Many things can cause a person to get a stroke, one of which is a history of mental disorders. How can a mental disorder cause a stroke?

What mental disorders can cause stroke?

There are many conditions that are included in mental disorders. Some of them are:

  • Anxiety disorders, such as excessive panic, obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, and depression caused by trauma (post traumatic stress disorder).
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Depression
  • Schizophrenia
  • Diet deviations, such as binge eating.
  • Mood disorder, a condition where one's mood is very easy to change.

These mental disorders are some of the mental disorders that are believed to increase the risk of strokes and other heart diseases.

The risk of stroke increases many times in people who experience mental disorders

In several studies it was mentioned that people who have a mental disorder are at a higher risk of having a stroke. This is evidenced in a study from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

This study involved about 52 thousand patients who made regular visits to the hospital. Then it was found that 3,337 patients from the total study participants experienced depression, anxiety disorders, and various other mental disorders. At the end of the study, experts found that patients with mental disorders had a risk of three to four times higher for stroke than those who had no mental disorders at all.

Even in another study it was mentioned if someone had experienced a mental disorder once in his life, whether it was depressed or had another mental disorder, he had twice the risk of getting a stroke. Almost the same as research conducted by researchers from Harvard Chan School who found that depression that occurs in the age group of 50 years is one of the causes of the high incidence of stroke.

What causes the risk of high stroke in patients with mental disorders?

All researchers from these studies stated that the stroke experienced by a mental disorder patient is related to the response of the body when the mental disorder occurs.

First, the body will make a natural response when experiencing mental disorders, namely the response fight-or-flight. This response will be automatically carried out by the body when it feels threatened, depressed, and stressed. Meanwhile, the response will cause changes in various body functions, such as increased blood pressure, and make the heart pump blood faster. This change in body function can increase the risk of stroke in patients with mental disorders.

In addition, people who experience mental disorders, such as depression, will usually look for a place to escape and make various bad habits that can increase the risk of stroke and other heart disease. For example, consuming alcoholic beverages, unable to sleep or experiencing insomnia, or making food as an escape so that he eats an uncontrolled portion.

Beware, Stroke Can Attack People with Depression and Other Mental Disorders
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