Is It Really Watching ASMR Videos Can Eliminate Stress?


Medical Video: ASMR Sleep & Relaxation Treatment ❤︎

Lately more ASMR videos have appeared on the internet. The most popular types of ASMR videos are whispering sounds, cutting objects repeatedly, solving bubble wrap, squeezing fruit or plastic packaging, scratching and tapping certain surfaces (such as wooden tables or blackboards), the sound of water flowing, to the sound of mouth chewing while eating. Many people like watching ASMR videos as a way to relieve stress, because these sounds can calm the mind. Is it true?

What is ASMR?

Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response or ASMR is a term to describe a spontaneous sensation obtained when they watch videos that stimulate the brain's work and usually involves personal focus.

There are two ways you can experience ASMR, first by simple meditation or by thinking / imagining a soothing voice, or the second by seeing or listening to the videos of those sounds.

Many people describe the sensation of watching ASMR videos as an experience that makes goose bumps, tingling on the skin that usually starts on the scalp and moves to the back of the neck and along the back. Sometimes, the tingling sensation can move to your arms and legs.

Unlike the tingling that usually makes it uncomfortable, most ASMR enthusiasts describe this tingling as a sensation that is very relaxed, pleasant, and can even cause them to fall asleep. Not a few also compare the tingling caused by ASMR by massaging the scalp, but the sensation is inside.

ASMR is a personal response, so the experience felt by one person may be different from others when watching the exact same video. The trigger for each person's stimulation can also be different. The type of trigger that can cause ASMR sensations generally is the sound, vision, smell, and texture of an object.

Is it true that watching ASMR videos can calm the mind?

ASMR enthusiasts believe that these videos can help reduce stress, calm down, and make sleep better. Others feel helped by ASMR to control symptoms of anxiety disorders, panic disorder, and depression.

Even so, there is actually no medical science or research that is strong enough to support the claim of benefits from the phenomenon. It is not yet clear the direct effect of triggering ASMR on bodily functions. So far, all ASMR benefit claims have only been based on anecdotal evidence (suggestion) and "marketing word of mouth" from the internet.

No one really knows how it works or why ASMR can bring such effects. Some experts argue that the emergence of a tingling sensation after watching ASMR videos comes from memory memories in the past that are recorded by the brain consciously or unconsciously. So when you see or hear the incident again, you feel calm and happy.

Others argue that ASMR can be a way to activate pleasure responses in the brain. The human brain is basically designed to feel happy and sick - for positive and negative behavioral feedback. We are rewarded with a pleasant sensation to do things and experience things that enhance our survival, and experience negative or painful experiences to make us avoid dangerous behavior or warn us of potential harm or injury.

Not everyone is happy with ASMR

However, ASMR is a personal experience. So, not everyone will then experience the ASMR sensation. Most people don't even feel anything when watching ASMR.

Some experts also argue that the calming effects of watching ASMR videos are only temporary, and will fade a few hours later. However, this does not mean that researchers prohibit or restrict you from watching ASMR if you really feel the benefits.

On the other hand, certain ASMR triggers such as scratching nails on a chalk board or mouth chewing sound may even turn out to cause negative reactions in some people who are sensitive or resentful of certain sounds.

Is It Really Watching ASMR Videos Can Eliminate Stress?
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