Not Just Exciting, Got Hobbies Can Also Help Manage Stress


Medical Video: 21 Low-Cost Empowering HOBBIES Worth Trying

Everyone must have felt stressed. If it continues to occur, stress can damage the appearance and severity of various diseases. For that, you need to know how to deal with and deal with stress and pressure. One way is to do various things that become your hobby. Curious about how hobbies can help you manage stress? Here's the explanation.

Why do you have to manage stress?

Stress can affect various aspects of life. Starting from appearance, work productivity, and of course health. Stress can make your sleep schedule chaotic. The next day, dark circles will appear on the eyes, lethargic face, and certainly make you not enthusiastic, not even focus on doing work.

Quoted from Shape, Matthew Zawadski, Ph.D., an assistant lecturer in psychology at California University suggested that stress causes the heart rate to be higher, blood pressure and hormone levels also increase. So, it makes sense that people who have long-term or chronic stress are not good for your health condition. In fact, health experts say that excessive stress is silent killer which can cause death earlier, whether it's due to illness or suicide.

Hobbies are one way to manage stress

A study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine examines 100 adults with their daily activities. Participants use a heart monitor and complete surveys regularly to report on how their activities and feelings are.

The result, in three days the researchers found that 34 percent of people who did activities that were liked, did not feel stressed. Not only do they feel happy, their heart rate also becomes more stable and they feel calmer for hours.

From the research, it can be concluded that hobbies are activities that can calm one's feelings. Whereas when stressed, many people reason that they don't have the time or energy to do their hobbies. In fact, people who are stressed may need more hobbies than ordinary people. These are the various important hobbies in managing stress.

1. Give time to relax

relaxing break

Hobbies make you have free time free of various responsibilities, especially sources of stress. This can be a time for the brain and body to take a break by doing things that you really like.

For people who are super busy, taking the time in the middle of a tight schedule and promises must be very difficult. Therefore, from now on try to make your hobby one of your priorities. Set a regular schedule for your hobby. Doing a hobby can provide an opportunity for you to relax, but remain productive.

2. Hobbies can turn stress into useful

Source: L-informatique

Actually stress is not always bad for the body. Stress is important because you are able to react to something. However, when you are unable to manage it, then that will have a negative impact called distress. Well, hobbies can be useful because you will get the effect of positive stress or also called eustress.

Eustress can cause feelings of excitement, eliminate boredom, and bring pleasure without making you feel burdened. For example, if you like making handicrafts, like knitting. You don't care whether or not the knit is in demand by others. The important thing is that you knit it happily without any coercion or rules.

If you do not channel the emotions or energy generated by stress through a hobby, chances are that you will instead do things that are destructive and useless. For example drunk, gambling, cheating, and others.

3. Give time to socialize

sports with friends

Hobbies sometimes introduce you to a new community. You will definitely feel an increase in socializing. In addition, you can get new friends, new experiences, and of course make you able to interpret life by going through a pleasant day after day.

4. Give satisfaction and freedom

optimistic woman

Hobbies do not require you to do something under duress that usually adds inner pressure. This pressure can cause you to feel very tired. Even if you don't watch or don't do hobbies under pressure, you still try to show the best skills you have. This involves feeling, satisfaction, pleasure, and freedom so that it can reduce the stress you feel.

Not Just Exciting, Got Hobbies Can Also Help Manage Stress
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