Sign Your Relationship With a Spouse Not Happy


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The vibration in the love affair of a pair of people is indeed unpredictable for the future, as is for you and your partner. Saturated, bored, angry, disappointed is indeed a separate pebble in the direction of happiness together. These feelings if left unchecked will create a burden for you, and will have an impact on you and the surroundings. Check out the signs of your relationship with an unhappy partner.

1. You start to be unhappy when you are with him

Sometimes in everyday life, you will experience good day and bad day, so does the relationship you live. In normal, romantic relationships, you will consider your partner everything. Everything that is meant is when you can devote, complain, be happy, or happy with your partner. This feeling will occur if indeed you are truly happy with your partner.

"What if I feel the opposite?"

Okay, first believe your feeling that this is not just saturation. Reassure your feelings that by being with him, talking to him, carrying out daily activities with your partner, you feel that you don't find happiness at all. This point will explain, that you are indeed not happy with your partner.

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2. You cannot be yourself when you are with him

Do you remember when you first told all the things to yourself to your partner? It is a time when you realize that you want him to accept you as you are after you open yourself. However, if over time you feel uncomfortable showing how you are now to your partner, it means you are not happy to be who you are during the relationship. If you change, not according to what you want and do not recognize who you are, you should seek your own happiness, without your partner.

3. Already used to mutual disappointments

If your relationship often disappoints one another, this is a clear sign that your relationship is indeed unhappy. Disappointment is a psychological reaction where it cannot be controlled mentally. However, if the relationship is accustomed to mutually disappointing, this can result in erosion of your psychiatric condition that will be damaged.

This will result in short and long term impacts. Your trust will decrease, you will have your own stigma about how a relationship works, and allow you to easily disappoint other people outside your relationship.

4. Your partner blames you when he is sad

This condition occurs outside of your control. When a partner begins to blame you for not being able to accept deficiencies or understand themselves, it's time for you and your partner to talk to each other. Your partner's happiness is not entirely your responsibility. If this is always fussed and complained about by your partner, it looks like you have to think twice about your relationship.

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5. Already lazy physical contact

A pleasant romance recipe sometimes requires a spice of physical touch between you and your partner. For new couples, this invites enthusiasm with the aim of exploring each other's partners. But if the desire is physically no longer there, what should it be?

As explained before, this possibility is a saturation point for you in your partner. However, if this situation lasts for a long time, you and your partner must realize that the attraction and physical contact needs in your relationship have clearly disappeared. You and your partner need to talk to complete happiness of the relationship further.

All you have to do if you feel unhappy in a relationship

Self reflection

This is important, for anyone who feels unhappy with himself or with others, self-reflection must be done. Why? Try to look far at yourself, so far have you been comfortable and happy with the daily life, activities, and expectations of the relationship that you are living? If the answer is not yet, it's a good idea to look back on what's wrong and what to maintain about your relationship with your partner. Self reflection is done to anticipate if you find yourself making you unhappy with your partner.

Follow your heart and logic

If your signs are not as happy as above, you have already answered, usually your logic and feelings will conflict. Feelings of happiness and discomfort in relationships will come through your feelings, then continue with logic when you think hard why your relationship is not going well and cause unhappiness to you and your partner.

Talk to your partner

Your partner will also gradually realize the changes in which you are beginning to be unhappy. You will unconsciously behave differently from the moment you fall in love with it. The good thing is, you both talk to each other to find a way out, find the point of error why you or your partner can be unhappy in the relationship that is being lived. If, indeed, from the conversation, there is no way out, you and your partner must separate, because of a good relationship, in it is not based on unhappiness.

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Sign Your Relationship With a Spouse Not Happy
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