Why do people with mental disorders need to take medication?


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There is a stigma circulating in the community that mental disorders cannot be cured, because it has become his destiny. This assumption is wrong and in fact can be fatal. Although the symptoms do not always appear as obvious as flu or cancer, mental disorders can be overcome with the right treatment steps. One way is by prescription drugs. So, why should a mental disorder medication be taken routinely, not like a cold medicine taken when you are sick?

Get to know various types of mental disorders

Mental disorders until this are still synonymous with "crazy".But not all mental disorders are like that. Symptoms of other mental disorders can be missed by ordinary people so that they are not aware if someone has a mental disorder. According to the Ministry of Health report recorded in the 2014 Riskesdas, there were around 14 million Indonesians who had mild mental disorders such as anxiety disorder or depressionand 400,000 people who have severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia and psychosis.

The manifestation of the symptoms of a mental disorder and the intensity of its severity can vary greatly from one person to another. Thus, the medication prescribed by a doctor will be adjusted to the specific disorders experienced by each patient.

Some types of psychiatric drugs that are most often prescribed by doctors to treat symptoms include:

  • Antidepressants, to treat mild to severe depression, anxiety, and sometimes for other conditions. Example antidepressant medication are citalopram (Celexa), fluoxetine (Prozac), and tricyclic antidepressants.
  • Anti-anxiety drugs, to overcome various type of anxiety disorder or panic disorder (including prevention the attack) This drug can also control insomnia and agitation which are symptoms of a disorder. Examples of anti-anxiety drugs are SSRI antidepressants, benzodiazepine, alprazolam (Xanax), chlordiazepoxide (Librium), clonazepam (Klonopin), diazepam (Valium), and lorazepam (Ativan).
  • Mood stabilizer medication, most often used to treat bipolar disorder which is marked by a change of manic phase (extraordinary happiness) and depressive (despair and predation). Examples of mood stabilizers are carbamazepine (Carbatrol), lithium, olanzapine, ziprasidone, clozapine, and valpromide. Sometimes, a prescription mood stabilizer is accompanied by an antidepressant to overcome the depression phase.
  • Antipsychotic drug, usually used to treat psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia. Antipsychotic drugs can also be used to treat bipolar disorder or be prescribed with antidepressants to treat depression. Examples of antipsychotic drugs are clozapine, aripiprazole, and risperidone.

Why should you take medication for mental disorders?

Mental disorders are known to be closely related to the chemical imbalance of the brain or neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. In healthy conditions, nerve cells in the brain send impulses through various chemical compounds to regulate moods and emotions.

When you experience a mental disorder, the number of certain neurotransmitters in the brain becomes unbalanced, preventing the nerves from sending impulses. As a result, symptoms of mood changes arise which then affect character and behavior. For example, depression is known to occur because of low serotonin levels.This imbalance of brain chemicals can be triggered by various factors, ranging from genetic, environmental, head injury, alcohol and drug abuse, and disability at birth.

Medication for mental disorders can reduce the symptoms experienced by patients. Medications prescribed by doctors work directly to repair or balance the levels of chemicals in the brain to improve mood and reduce physical side effects that can accompany symptoms, such as weakness, insomnia, nausea, etc. in the hope that you can think more clearly and find motivation to bounce back from adversity.

By adhering to the dosage and rules of use of drugs, certain mental disorders such as addiction, kleptomaniadepression, or panic attacks can be overcome and completely restored. Indeed there are several types of mental disorders that cannot be completely cured, such as schizophrenia. However, you can still control symptoms and reduce their severity.

Medication for mental disorders must be taken regularly

The effect of the drug cannot work in an instant to eliminate the symptoms. Taking medication every day as directed by a doctor can greatly help increase the effectiveness of the drug. To feel positive improvements and changes in the long term, patients usually need the fastest time one month after starting treatment. In some people, the effect of this drug will only be felt after four or six months because a lifestyle that is less supportive of healing.

After that you are not recommended to immediately stop treatment. You may be asked to continue treatment for one to two years, depending on the condition and severity of your illness. You are also not recommended to increase or stop the dose without the doctor's knowledge because there are risks of side effects and complications that may occur as a result.

The importance of a healthy lifestyle to increase the effectiveness of drugs

Handling mental disorders not only through taking medication alone. Medication can indeed help you fight the symptoms of the disorder. But bmany specialists agree that a healthy diet - such as grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish and lean meat - can also have a strong effect on improving moods. A balanced diet can keep your blood sugar stable throughout the day and help calm your mood. This stability is especially important if you have depression or other types of mental disorders.

Exercise can also have a positive effect on your mood and energy level. Exercise increases endorphins, chemicals that circulate throughout the body. Endorphins increase natural immunity and reduce pain perception. Endorphins also function to improve mood. Another theory is that exercise stimulates norepinephrine, which can immediately improve mood.

If accompanied by psychological therapy such as CBT and counseling and healthy lifestyle, medication for mental disorders can prevent the symptoms of recurrence in the long run, thereby increasing the chances of complete recovery. So, it is not impossible for people with severe mental disorders (ODGJ) to be able to lead a normal life such as working, family and work.

Why do people with mental disorders need to take medication?
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