2 This Item Fashion Says It Can Make First Dating Success. Is it right?


Medical Video: How to Dress to Impress a Girl | How Girls Want Guys to Dress

For those of you who are just officially dating, you certainly don't want to miss the moment of the first date with your partner. Unlike when you want to go out with friends, this time you might be more confused when choosing clothes. Yes, you certainly want to look attractive in front of your partner, right? So, how do you dress, what can make your partner fall in love on the first date?

Two fashion itemwhich could be the mainstay of the first date

The first date is certainly the most thrilling moment and the moment that must go as perfect as possible. Because the first date can affectchemistry and his view of you, you know.

If the first date goes smoothly, then this can certainly be a good start for your love affair. Conversely, if the first date is already a mess, both you and your partner can even be togetherilfeel.

That's why, most people can spend a long time just to choose clothes before dating. The goal is to avoid costume mischief and want to appear as attractive as possible so that couples fall in love.

Apparently, psychologists have long been investigating how to dress commonly used by many couples on the first date. There are two typesfashion itemaka clothing accessories that are a mainstay of many people, both women and men. Twofashion itemthis can make the wearer more attractive, so that your first date becomes more successful.

Here are two important things you can consider before going on a date.

1. Wear a red shirt

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First of all, don't choose the color of clothes for your first date this time. Reporting from the Medical Daily, a researcher named Andrew Elliot revealed that wearing a red shirt can increase the attractiveness of those who see it. So, avoid wearing blue, yellow, green, or other colors if you want to make your partner amazed when dating.

According to a study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, women who wear red shirts feel more attractive and sexy than when they wear blue or other colors. Not only women, men also tend to be more attractive, look more established, and seem to have high social status if they wear red shirts.

Even so, there are also other studies that reveal that people who wear black clothes are considered more attractive. The difference is that black clothes seem attractive because they are more fashionable, while red clothes seem attractive because they are sexier.

2. Wear high heels

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For you, a woman who is looking forward to a first date with a partner, you should immediately prepare high heels. Based on a study conducted by Nicolas Gueguen in 2015, women who use high heels are considered more attractive by their partners, you know.

In fact, he reveals that the higher your shoe rights, the greater your partner's interest in you. However, if you are not used to using high heels, you should use other shoes that are more comfortable for you.

People who are not used to using high heels need extra effort to maintain balance. So, rather than you risk falling due to wearing high heels, it's better to use any shoes that make you comfortable.

During the first date, the important thing is to be comfortable and confident

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There is nothing wrong with trying to wear red clothes or high heels on the first date. Even so, not all men or women are interested in the manner of dress mentioned above. Because, everyone has different tastes and views on their partner.

There are people who prefer their partners to look fancy or glamorous, some people prefer their partners to look simple and still attractive. Maybe your partner prefers you to wear a white shirt that is more elegant than bright red.

So, this goes back to each other's tastes and preferences. Most importantly, make sure you and your partner both wear comfortable clothes that don't interfere with your date tonight.

In addition to color and how to dress, the sound and smell of the body can also affect a person's attractiveness. Having a fragrant and not stinging body fragrance is also usually preferred because it does not cause the people around them to be disturbed.

So, are you ready to date later tonight?

2 This Item Fashion Says It Can Make First Dating Success. Is it right?
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