5 Best Ways to Maintain Vaginal Health


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Maintaining the health of your vagina is an easy and difficult thing. Actually your vagina is one of the smartest organs because it is able to cleanse itself and regulate its natural moisture without the help of any chemicals. However, sometimes this is not really understood so some women endanger the vagina because they use a variety of female products that are not needed. Then, what is the best way to maintain the health of your female organs? Please refer to the exact tips below, starting from cleaning the vagina to making love safely.

1. Cleanse the vagina

Maintaining vaginal health starts with your habit of cleaning it. As mentioned earlier, the vagina is an organ that is able to cleanse itself. However, regular cleaning of the vagina can help prevent bacterial growth and keep your feminine area fresh. So, please pay attention to these things before you clean the vagina.

Rinse with warm water

To clean the vagina every day, just rinse with warm water (not boiling water) when you take a shower. You can dissolve just a little sea salt (sea ​​salt) into warm water to help deal with itching in the female area. However, do not use bath salts that are currently being sold with dyes, fragrances, and other additives. Bath salts are at risk of causing irritation.

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No need to use feminine cleanser

Cleaning the vagina with warm water and salt is enough. This is because the vagina has a special liquid to kill bacteria or germs that cause infection. Meanwhile, feminine cleansers contain a variety of chemicals that are too hard for very sensitive female areas.

Don't use scented or antibacterial soap

Just like feminine cleansing, your bath soap is also too hard for the vagina. Especially if your soap contains fragrances, antibacterials, preservatives, or artificial dyes. Soap will also disrupt the natural pH of the vagina. If you really want to clean the vagina, choose a soap that does not contain fragrance, coloring, antibacterial, or alcohol. You are also not advised to clean the inside of your vagina, just wipe a little the outside.

Dry the vagina

After you take a shower, urinate, or clean the vagina, be careful when drying it. Use a soft towel or tissue and pat gently until dry. Don't rub or rub it too hard because it can cause irritation.

2. Choose clothes that are friendly to the vagina

Although underwear made from silk or lace looks sweeter, don't wear it too often. The reason is, your vagina needs good air circulation so it's not too moist. So, you should choose underwear with genuine cotton. In order for your sex organs to breathe freely after a day trapped in underwear and tight pants or skirts, sleeping without underwear at night can be the solution.

3. Routinely changing pads

To maintain vaginal health, you should regularly replace sanitary napkins, tampons, or pantyliner. Wear sanitary napkins, tampons and pantyliner for more than four hours the risk of causing infection. This is because your female organs cannot breathe through the plastic lining the pads and pantyliner. In addition, taking too long a tampon is also vulnerable to cause toxic shock syndrome.

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4. Good food to maintain vaginal health

Having a healthy diet is one way to maintain vaginal health. So, make sure that you eat foods with balanced nutrition and drink lots of water. To prevent vaginal yeast infections, you can eat yogurt containing probiotics. In addition, cranberries and green tea are also good for preventing urinary tract infections. If your sex organs feel dry and sore when making love, you can eat apples and avocados to increase the natural lubrication of the vagina.

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5. Be careful when making love

You also need to prevent venereal disease, infections, and irritation by practicing safe sex. So, always use a condom without taste or fragrance when making love. Also make sure that you and your partner do not continue vaginal penetration after anal sex. This risks transferring various germs and bacteria to your female area. You can also ask your partner to wash their hands first before making love or doing fingering (touching and stimulating the vagina by hand).

5 Best Ways to Maintain Vaginal Health
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