7 Dangerous Risks of Mimicking Sex Scenes from Porn Films


Medical Video: Ask A Porn Star: Your Most Hardcore Sex Scene?

Some people might study the sex scene through watching porn. In fact, not all sex scenes in porn movies can be imitated. Not all techniques or tricks in porn movies are safe for you to imitate. There are many sex scenes shown in pornographic films that can cause some real health problems. Here are some sex scenes that can cause unfavorable health or physical consequences.

Sex scenes that should not be imitated

1. Ejaculation to the face (especially around the eyes)

In pornographic films, it is not uncommon for a man to have an orgasm on his partner's face. Well, this is actually very risky, you know. Semen that falls on the face can hit the eyes and can cause health problems.

Your eyes are vulnerable to many diseases, including bacteria that infect venereal disease. Gonorrhea and chlamydia is a venereal disease that not only infects your genitals, but can also attack your eyes. This condition will cause your eyes to become irritated, until blindness.

2. Penetration with long fingernails

Many people enjoy penetration of the vagina or anus, for example by hand. However, if you do this activity with long nails, this is actually dangerous. Not only is there a risk of causing blisters or sores, but bacteria that live under the nails can cause infection.

The solution, make sure your nails are always neatly cut and clean. So you should always wash your hands before having sex. Especially if you want to penetrate with your fingers.

Another alternative is to use latex gloves or attach condoms to the fingers before penetrating with your fingers or hands. This can be safer if you have long nails.

3. Lack of lubricant

One thing that is rarely or almost never in hot scenes in porn films is that both partners use sex lubricants. In fact, the reality is that porn stars use lubricants, but the scene is cut so that the sex scenes look more exciting.

Lubricants are very important in vaginal and anal sex, especially if the area is dry. Use the right lubricant will make your sexual relationship safer, also often makes sex more pleasant for both partners. Lubricants can also reduce the risk of vaginal blisters.

4. Use saliva as a lubricant

In pornographic films, most people actually use saliva as a lubricant rather than actual sex lubricant. This should not be copied, huh.

Saliva is not effective as a lubricant because it will dry quickly. In addition, using saliva may transmit certain venereal diseases.

5. Direct anal sex after vaginal sex (or vice versa)

Alternating anal and vaginal sex without changing condoms or without using a condom at all is a dangerous habit. Maybe this is one of the most risky sex habits learned from watching porn. You may be infected with bacteria from feces and parasites in the vagina during intercourse will increase.

If you want anal and vaginal sex, always use a condom. Be sure to install a new condom every time you move from anal to vaginal.

6. Take anal and oral sex alternately

Bacteria and viruses that may be in the rectum (anus) can cause serious systemic diseases, including hepatitis A. Having anal sex and then directly changing to oral sex, (for example having oral sex to the penis that has just entered the anus) can increase a partner's risk You swallow bacteria and viruses that are harmful to the body.

7. It's free to do oral sex

People who learn about sex from watching porn often assume that oral sex is safe sex, solely because the risk of pregnancy is small or non-existent.

In sex scenes in pornographic films, the movie stars usually go straight for oral sex, without any protection. In fact, the risk of contracting is actually sexually transmitted diseases through oral sex it's pretty big. That is why health professionals advise you to keep using condoms or dental dams while having oral sex.

7 Dangerous Risks of Mimicking Sex Scenes from Porn Films
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