8 Weird Facts About Penis That You Didn't Know


Medical Video: Top 8 Wild and Weird Facts of Human Penis That You Should Know!

For most men, the penis may be the body member that gets the most attention. Not only men, women also need to know a lot and pay attention to the pride of this man. Because the penis is one of the vital organs that holds a myriad of mysteries. You might think you already know very well the ins and outs of the penis. In fact, there are still many facts about the penis that you may have never heard of before. Immediately check below for some interesting information about Mr. P, which is a pity to miss.

1. A healthy body means a healthy penis

As mentioned earlier, the penis is one of the vital organs of men. So, like other vital organs such as the heart, lungs, brain, and kidneys, penis health is also determined by the condition of your overall health. This means that if there is a problem with someone's penis, it means there is a problem with his health condition.

For example if the penis becomes difficult to erect, the trigger could be a change in diet, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, or hormonal disorders. This is why it is important for men to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Don't want to, Mr. P who became the victim?

2. The human penis in prehistoric times has bones

A 2010 study published in the journal Nature revealed that more than 700,000 years ago, prehistoric human penises actually had bones. However, as evolution progresses, modern humans no longer have boned penises. Blood pressure will help the male penis reach erection.

Experts are still debating the reason why prehistoric humans have boned penises. The most trusted theory is that a boned penis helps prehistoric men have sex faster. Because, with this bone the penis will erect faster. Before human civilization was formed, sex was indeed only considered a biological need, namely to produce offspring. This is why boned penises can also be found in many types of animals, for example cats and apes.

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3. The penis has an erection every night

Whether consciously or not, the penis will erect on average three to five times a night. This erection occurs when men enter the REM sleep stage (rapid eye movement) Apparently, erection at night is good for maintaining the health of this male sex organ. Penis that does not experience erection regularly can lose its flexibility, even shrinking up to 1-2 centimeters. So, for women who are anxious if their partner has a wet dream when he has an erection while sleeping, you can breathe freely now. Erection while sleeping is a very natural thing and nothing to worry about.

4. Smoking can make the penis difficult to erect

The effects of smoking are not only felt by your lungs or heart. Because smoking can damage blood vessels, the penis of people who smoke will find it difficult to achieve an erection. Because the erection occurs blood fills the penis tissue which is hollow so that the penis extends and hardens. If the blood flow is not smooth, for example because you have a smoking habit, then don't be surprised if mr. P You are difficult to 'act'.

5. The penis and clitoris are almost identical

When still in the womb of the mother, the fetus only has the clitoris. Along with its development, the clitoris will then turn into a complete vagina or penis. However, the male penis that has developed perfectly still has the same structure as the female clitoris. Both have the same tissue and nerve endings.

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6. Fetus and baby can also be erect

When the clitoris has turned into a penis in the womb of the mother, the penis can have an erection. The image that results from scanning the contents through ultrasound can prove it if you don't believe the facts about this one penis. In fact, usually a few moments after birth, a baby boy will experience an erection.

7. Two types of penis based on erection

Based on the erection, the penis is divided into two types. The first is grower. Penis called grower this usually appears small under normal conditions. However, when experiencing an erection, the penis grower will stretch so big and long. A survey conducted by Men 's Health reported that as many as 79% of people have penises grower. Meanwhile, penis shower looks big under normal conditions. However, when the erection of the penis will not become bigger or longer. If it is stretched it is usually not so different from a penis that is not erect. As many as 21% of people have a penis shower.

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8. People can be born with two penises

This fact about the penis might make people shudder. Although very rare, a person can be born with two penises at a time. This condition is known in the medical world as diphallus. However, it does not mean having two penises is something that benefits men. In fact, in most cases, both penises do not function normally so the doctor needs to do surgery or certain medical procedures to improve penis function. This disorder occurs in every one baby of 5 or 6 million male babies born.

8 Weird Facts About Penis That You Didn't Know
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