After Childbirth Sex, What to Look For?


Medical Video: Sex after a baby: Rekindling your sex life after pregnancy

After giving birth to your baby, you and your partner may be so preoccupied with the new baby. Every day it feels exhausted because it has to adjust the baby's schedule. At times like this, maybe life sex You and your partner become a little dormant. In fact, sex after giving birth can be an intimate moment that will bring you closer to your partner, especially in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the birth of a baby. However, there are some things to consider before turning on the fire of love with your partner. See the information below.

When can you start making love again after giving birth?

You certainly need a few moments to recover after giving birth. It depends on your labor procedure, usually three to six weeks after you and your partner can have sex again. If you normal vaginal delivery, then you have to wait until postpartum bleeding stops. This bleeding occurs because the wound in your uterus has not fully healed.

If you undergo Caesarean section, You still have to wait until the uterus that had contracted becomes large again to its original size. In this process, your uterus is also likely to experience injury. In addition, you have to make sure the surgical suture is loose and doesn't hurt much anymore.

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Every woman has a different level of readiness about sex after giving birth. Some have sex six weeks after giving birth and don't complain of anything. However, there are also those who just make love again after two months but still feel uncomfortable. So, it is important for you and your partner to measure their own readiness yourself. There is no certain obligation to immediately have sex after giving birth.

What changes might occur?

The first time you have sex after giving birth, you and your partner may not feel any changes. However, there are also many couples who feel some changes when making love. In order for you to understand what changes might occur during sex after giving birth, pay attention to the four things below.

1. The vagina feels dry

Hormonal changes in women who have just given birth can cause your vagina to be drier than usual. This is because the levels of estrogen and progesterone are reduced dramatically after giving birth. Both of these hormones are responsible for maintaining vaginal moisture and producing vaginal fluids. Because dry vaginavaginal penetration can also be painful.

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2. Vaginal muscles relax

If you give birth normally, the muscles in your vaginal area may become weaker due to fatigue. Because the muscles experience contractions that are very intense when you push and give birth. So, when making love you and your partner may feel that the vagina is not tight and tight as before. Then vaginal penetration can be not so enjoyable and exciting for you and your partner. However, this is temporary. After the muscles are tight again, your passion and satisfaction will live again.

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3. Surgical sutures still hurt

Every woman has tolerance and her own time to recover from Caesarean section. For some people, several months old stitch marks still hurt when moving, rubbing, or touching something. So, making love can be rather difficult if you still feel pain.

4. Passion decreases

Many women complain about themselves lose sex drive after giving birth. Take it easy, this is normal. The process of labor and adjustment to the baby needs all your thoughts, energy, and feelings. So, it's only natural that your entire focus is absorbed for your little one. You also lose interest in making love. In some cases, women can develop postpartum depression. Depression and disorders mood can result in down or loss of sexual desire.

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In order for sex after childbirth to remain satisfying

If you and your partner experience one or more of the above conditions, don't worry first. There are several ways that you and your partner's intimacy can rise again after the birth of a baby. Check out the following tips, yes.

  • Increase warm-up time (foreplay), use vaginal lubricants, and not rush the penetration so that women are more passionate and wet
  • Do Kegel gymnastics to tighten and train the muscles around the vagina
  • Making love with a safe and painless sex position
  • Try to be more relaxed with your partner, don't force yourself to have sex
  • If you suffer from postpartum depression, immediately see a trusted therapist or psychologist

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After Childbirth Sex, What to Look For?
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