Having Sex One Day After Menstruation, Can You Get Pregnant?


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The perfect conception time in having sex is during a woman's fertile period. Each partner generally will intensively have sex when a woman ovulates (fertile period) to get a pregnancy. Then, many also avoid sex right at the time before and after menstruation, because these times many people consider it not the fertile period of women. But, is it possible that sex after menstruation causes pregnancy? Come see the answer below.

Does sex after menstruation risk getting pregnant?

Fertilization can occur when the egg meets sperm. That means sperm must be in the fallopian tubes at the time of ovulation in women. Well, ovulation occurs about two weeks before and after you menstruate. This period ranged between 12 and 16 days before or after the last menstrual period. If indeed your menstrual cycle ranges from 28 days in one month, yes.

If you ask what is true sex after menstruation causes pregnancy? The answer, having sex after one day of menstruation, can cause pregnancy. But in reality the possibility of the pregnancy is very low.

During menstruation, you will release unused eggs, and if you have sex after your period ends, at that time, your uterus will prepare the egg again for fertilization.

Well, the nature of sperm basically can survive in the womb for about 5 days. If indeed you have sex right the day after menstruation ends, the sperm found in the vagina will likely survive, looking for a place to stop (the egg means). Therefore, when having sex after menstruation, sperm will still be alive, and if the egg is ready within a few days, fertilization can occur.

Having Sex One Day After Menstruation, Can You Get Pregnant?
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