Knowing Paraphimosis, Uncircumcised Penis Disorders


Medical Video: How to Cure Phimosis *no surgery*

Parafimosis is a condition found only in men who have not been circumcised. This condition occurs when the covering skin on the penis cannot be pulled forward beyond the tip of the penis. This causes the skin to become swollen and pinched, which in turn can slow or stop the flow of blood at the tip of the penis. This condition can lead to serious complications if not treated immediately.

Parafimosis not the same as fimosis. Fimosis is a condition in which the skin cannot be pulled from the tip of the penis. This condition often occurs in young children, and is not a serious condition. On the other hand, parafimosis is an emergency situation. You should immediately contact your doctor or go to the hospital if you experience symptoms of parafimosis.

What are the symptoms of parafimosis?

The main symptoms of parafimosis is the skin can not return the sheath on the penis to its original position (exceeding the tip of the penis). The skin and tip of the penis can become swollen and painful. The tip of the penis can also turn red or blue due to a lack of blood flowing into the area.

What are the causes of parafimosis?

Parafimosis most often occurs when health workers do not properly treat the skin on the penis. They may not return the skin back to its original position after conducting a medical examination or action. However, besides that there are also other causes, such as:

  • infection
  • physical trauma to the area around the genitals
  • pulling the skin on the penis is too strong
  • have skin that is more tight than normal skin
  • the skin on the penis is pulled back for a long time

How do you treat and treat parafimosis?

Handling can vary depending on the age and condition you experience. In general, the initial step of handling paraphimosis is to reduce swelling. The doctor may do a number of things such as:

  • Compress with ice in the area.
  • Put a bandage tight on the penis.
  • Using a needle to remove blood and pus that is blocked.
  • Injecting hyaluronidase, an enzyme that can help reduce swelling.
  • In severe cases, the doctor may need to make a small incision to reduce pressure on the penis.

After the swelling is reduced, the doctor will then return the skin back to its original position. This process is very painful, and usually you will be given painkillers before the procedure is done. These painkillers can be anesthetic drugs, nerve blockages, or narcotic drugs that you can drink.

During the procedure, the doctor will first lubricate your skin and penis. Next, the doctor gently squeezes your penis and at the same time, pulls the skin of your penis.

In very severe cases, circumcision or cutting of the penile skin, may be needed. This is also done to prevent this condition from happening again in the future. Make sure you follow your doctor's instructions after undergoing the procedure and taking your medication regularly. Your doctor will teach you how to clean and treat the tip of your penis after treatment.

Contact your doctor immediately if you have a fever and still experience penis pain after the procedure. These symptoms can indicate an infection, which must be treated with antibiotics

What complications can occur if paraphimosis is left?

Paraphimosis may cause serious complications if not treated quickly. This condition can cause a decrease in blood flow to the penis which in turn will cause a decrease in oxygen levels in the tissues. When this happens, paraphimosis can cause:

  • severe infection
  • damage to the tip of the penis
  • gangrene or death of the tissue that ends in losing the tip of the penis

If handled quickly and precisely, this condition has a very high possibility of being completely cured. After the swelling is handled and the skin is returned to its original position, most sufferers can recover without complications.

How do you prevent paraphimosis if I'm not circumcised?

Circumcision or circumcision can prevent parafimosis. However, if you are not circumcised, paraphimosis can be prevented by:

  • Practice a clean way of life and always clean the tip of the penis regularly.
  • Always put the penis skin back to its original position (to the top of the penis) after being pulled back to be cleaned after intercourse or urinating.
  • Make sure the health worker pulls the skin of your penis back to its normal position after doing the examination or medical procedure.
  • Never let the skin of your penis be pulled behind the tip of the penis for a long time.
Knowing Paraphimosis, Uncircumcised Penis Disorders
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