Psst, Do Not Hurry Falling in Love Then Be Fast Hate!


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Actually you don't need to rush in love affairs, you just have to wait, believe and give time to love to grow and grow deeper. But some people may be able to fall in love fast, but ultimately hate arises. Actually, why can people fall in love quickly and hate each other?

Be careful, fast falling in love can make you hate later

You may be able to fall in love fast, but some time later arises hate, of course still in the same partner. This can actually be explained in a scientific explanation.

Yes, some researchers argue that love is a form of temporary insanity, sweet madness that allows you to ignore the shortcomings of loved ones until you finally realize it and that feeling turns into hate.

But calm, not all people who fall in love quickly can immediately change hate, really. Some also find true love quickly and lasting relationships until death separates.

Maybe what is felt is not true love

So, a study has shown that people who fall in love quickly and are attracted to their partners tend to be resentful in the near future. The study looked at the behavior of several young men who were asked to cross a bridge and then meet a woman at the end of the bridge. Jembatang provided by researchers is two, namely a bridge that has been rickety and a bridge that is still good.

Then, it was discovered that some of the men who crossed the rickety bridge were mostly interested in the woman at the end of the bridge. While the group of men who passed the good bridge did not feel anything.

Experts say that the interest in the group of men who pass the rickety bridge is actually not for reasons of falling in love or liking. This is because as long as the men cross the rickety bridge, they experience an increase in adrenal hormones. The adrenaline hormone makes the heart beat fast, breathing becomes faster, and affects the emotional of men.

In the end, this group of men considered that this was a sign that they were interested in the woman at the end of the bridge. While men who pass through a good bridge do not experience changes in these hormones and do not feel the same attraction.

From the research it can be concluded that a person can easily feel interested and then feel himself in love. In fact, love takes a long time to grow deeper.

fight with boyfriend

Actually, love and hate have the same physiological effects

People who feel like or are attracted to someone may misinterpret what he felt at that time. Because, changes in the body that occurs when it is almost the same as love. In fact, this change also occurs when you feel hate with someone.

Changes or physiological effects that will arise are the heart palpitations, shortening of breath, and faster blood flow. All of these things you actually feel when you feel hate or are attracted to someone. This then makes a person very easy to feel falling in love and eventually quickly hate, because the symptoms felt the same at that time.

Love takes time, it can't be as fast as lightning

Maybe the thing that makes hatred appear so suddenly is because you are too quick to conclude that you are in love. Yes, feeling like and interested in someone is actually reasonable but of course that does not mean love.

Love needs a process, especially if you want to be with him and spend the rest of the time with your partner. Love does not only get something from a partner who makes happy, but also understands the character and understands

If you are in a hurry to fall in love then find out about the shortcomings of your partner and you are not ready to accept it, it could be a love that you previously said turned into hate.

Too fast falling in love can be just a momentary feeling that ultimately makes you not feel pleasure and beauty in a relationship.

This can also interfere with your romance and your partner. Usually people who quickly fall in love, will be more eager to undergo a relationship at the beginning and easily bored and seem lazy he end in a relationship.

It's better to just run slowly and enjoy the time you and your partner approach until you and your partner both feel ready to commit.

Psst, Do Not Hurry Falling in Love Then Be Fast Hate!
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