Psstt ... Confidence in a Psychologist Can Help Overcome Premature Ejaculation Problems


Premature ejaculation can make men not confident, nervous, or lose sex drive. Therefore, now there are so many supplement products or herbal medicines that he says are effective against premature ejaculation. In fact, there are safer and more effective ways to help you control ejaculation when making love - just confide in it!

Eits but don't confide in just anyone. Come to the office of the psychologist closest to your location, and spill all your complaints. Yes, sother than without side effects, the results of this consultation with a psychologist have proven long-lasting. Indeed bhow the hell, the way a psychologist helps you overcome premature ejaculation through therapy? Here is the full explanation.

Your psychological causes of premature ejaculation

According to experts, there are two types of causes of premature ejaculation. The first is psychological factors, while the second is biological factors such as nerve disorders, certain diseases (such as diabetes), or hormones that are not balanced.

Well, if you have undergone treatment such as hormone therapy but the results do not yet exist, it could be the cause is a psychological factor. Premature ejaculation can occur because you are too anxious, too excited, not confident, feel guilty, or because you are afraid of premature ejaculation itself. Because, the discharge of semen is controlled by the brain, the organs that both regulate the emotions and psychological condition of a person.

There are also people who experience premature ejaculation because they were traumatized, had bad experiences about sex, were having problems with their partners, or due to depression. Because most ejaculation problems originate from a person's mental state, one of the best ways to overcome them is with the help of a psychiatrist. For example, a psychiatrist (psychiatrist), therapist, or psychologist. delaying orgasm prevents premature ejaculation

How to "confide" to a psychologist can help overcome premature ejaculation?

Usually to deal with premature ejaculation psychologists use cognitive and behavioral therapy approaches (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, abbreviated as CBT). Because, this therapy has often proven to be the most effective way to overcome various psychological problems. The focus of CBT is to improve the (cognitive) mindset in order to change behavior (behavior).

The hope, people who participate in this therapy are able to delay ejaculation with the techniques taught by the therapist. More specifically, consider the steps taken to overcome premature ejaculation through the following CBT psychological therapy.

1. Change negative thinking patterns

First of all, you and the therapist will look for the root causes that trigger premature ejaculation. You might be asked about your childhood experiences, sexual experiences, and emotions that you feel. From there you will find the cause of premature ejaculation. For example because all this time you have always been afraid of failing or being considered bad. Whether it's during sex or in everyday life.

As a result, unconsciously your brain "works too hard" and rushes when having sex. Instead of being afraid of being considered unable to get an erection or ejaculation, the brain commands your sexual organs to ejaculate even though it is too fast. With the help of a therapist, you will realize that the mindset of fear of failure is wrong and self-defeating. The methods are various, you can by writing a diary or issuing complaints to the therapist.

2. Establish closer relationships with partners

Next, you are asked to evaluate your relationship with your partner. Because, so you are more relaxed and able to enjoy sex, you and your partner must have a close bond. Whereas if you can't trust your partner or during this time your partner often mocks your sexual problems, it's certainly very difficult to overcome premature ejaculation.

Therefore, a therapist can help you improve your relationship with your partner. For example by teaching you to communicate with your partner honestly, openly, and effectively. The therapist may also invite your partner to join several therapy sessions. This is so that your partner knows how to support you in overcoming this problem.

3. Train behavior change

Remember, CBT is not an instant treatment. There is no instant medicine that can overcome premature ejaculation. You must be persistent and have a high willingness to change. To practice behavioral change, you will be taught a variety of techniques to repel negative thought patterns and control yourself

For example, when anxiety or nervousness arises when having sex. You can take a few deep breaths to get away from anxiety. That way, you will be better able to delay ejaculation. You can also instill a positive mindset whenever negative thoughts haunt you. For example, giving suggestions that sex is not a matter of competency. No need to prove anything to your partner. What's important is how you enjoy intimate moments with him.

Psstt ... Confidence in a Psychologist Can Help Overcome Premature Ejaculation Problems
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