To Stay Romantic, These are 6 Tips for Communication with a Spouse


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Building and maintaining good communication with your partner is important. However, maybe you sometimes have difficulty how to do it, and when you have to talk or be quiet. Especially if you often fight or hide negative feelings, you may find it difficult to establish communication with your partner. No need to worry, you can check some of these tips so that the romance with him is still romantic.

Tips to keep communication with your partner better

Here's how to improve and maintain communication with your partner and deepen your relationship.

1. Don't accuse

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If you experience a problem, be careful not to blame your partner by saying a sentence that starts with words like "You make me ..." or "You don't ...".

Instead, start by saying, "I feel hurt when ..." or "I'm angry when ...". Your partner will tend to be defensive if you don't sound as if he is attacking him or blaming him.

2. Give your partner a chance to talk and listen to him

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After you voice what is bothering you, be sure to hear how your partner responds. Give him the opportunity to talk and listen to what your partner is saying.

Maybe you misinterpreted the behavior, he is not aware of what you feel, or you are doing or saying something to influence it. Whatever the case, by not hearing and giving your partner a chance to explain, you will never know the cause. This will only further worsen the atmosphere of your relationship and make you think more negatively.

In addition, your response to the partner's explanation also needs attention. You can be an active listener, not just answer the explanation with a nod or say "oh" but you can also understand what your partner is saying.

Give words that show that you are capturing what the couple is saying, or even with a simple sentence "I understand", if you really understand.

3. Don't just verbal communication

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Communication is not just verbal, give a warm touch to your partner and not just a sexual way. Hold hands, kiss his forehead before going to work or when returning home.

Let your partner know without words, which can sometimes be misinterpreted by others, how much you mean in your life. Touches that are combined with the right words can add intimacy and harmony to your relationship.

4. Start with simple talk

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If you are having a problem with your partner or something that interferes with your relationship, keep on communicating with your partner from a simple matter.

Even if your partner is not too interested in talking at length at that time, you can provoke him with questions that make him want to tell stories.

For example, ask how it is today, what is done today, how it works. Also give a pleasant expression that shows you are very interested in your partner's answer.

5. Keep open

healthy relationship

Even though it is sometimes more comfortable to remain silent or delay conversation until later, it is important to resist the temptation. Staying open is the key to better communication with your partner.

6. Praise your partner

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Communication with a healthy partner is not just telling or voicing your complaints. However, it's also about showing your partner how much you appreciate both large and small.

Express and acknowledge what your partner has done for you. Thank your partner. Show how happy you have become a part of his life. Don't hesitate to tell your partner how you fall in love and how much he means to you.

Not to rattle it, but just say what you really feel for your partner.

To Stay Romantic, These are 6 Tips for Communication with a Spouse
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