What You Need To Know About Pubic Lice


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Pubic lice are small insects that can creep from a person's genital hair to other genital hair during sexual contact.

A person can also get genital lice from clothing, towels and sheets. When the lice are in someone's body, these insects will live by sucking blood from the body they are seizing. Genital lice are sometimes called "crabs" because when seen under a microscope they look like small crabs.

Symptoms that appear if there are fleas in pubic hair

If you have genital lice, you may experience strong itching in your genitals. Pubic lice do not infect the scalp, but they can spread to other areas that have body hair, including:

  • Feet
  • Chest
  • Armpit
  • Beard or mustache
  • Eyelashes or eyebrows, more common in children.

Do I need to see a doctor?

Check with a specialist in skin and genital diseases if you have sex and experience this condition:

  • Drugs sold in pharmacies have not succeeded in killing fleas
  • You are pregnant
  • You have skin infection wounds due to scratching.

Causes of pubic lice

Genital lice are generally transmitted through sexual activity. Although not common, you may get genital lice from sheets, blankets, towels or dirty clothes.

What is the effect if we get pubic lice?

Genital infestation rarely causes serious health problems, but the itching can be very uncomfortable, and it is easy to transmit genital lice to other people. Female lice last an average of 25 to 30 days and each can spawn 20 to 30 eggs. Lice can also live away from the body for 1 to 2 days, so it is important to get the right diagnosis and treatment, or it can take a long time to get rid of it.

What should be done if we get pubic lice?

Before seeing a doctor, you might need to write a list of answers to the following questions:

  • How long do you have sex fleas?
  • What symptoms do you experience?
  • How can you get sex?
  • Have you passed it to someone else?
  • What treatment have you done?
  • Do you have chronic health problems?
  • What type of medication or supplement do you use?

Treatments and medications for pubic lice

If the drug and shampoo sold do not kill genital lice, your doctor may prescribe stronger treatment, such as:

  • Malathion (Ovide). Apply this lotion to the infected part and clean it after eight to twelve hours.
  • Ivermectin (Stromectol). This drug is used as a single dose of two pills, with the choice to use another dose within 10 days if the initial treatment is unsuccessful.
  • Lindane. Because of its toxicity, lindane is usually prescribed only when other treatments fail. Apply lindane to the infected part and clean it after four minutes. Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, or children under the age of 2 years.
  • Treatment of genital lice in the eyes. If genital lice are found in the lashes, you can treat it by applying it petroleum jelly to the eyelids and eyelashes three times a day for several days. In addition or alternatively, lice can be gently removed from the lashes using tweezers, flea combs or your nails. The doctor may also prescribe medication to be applied to the eyelid.

Pubic lice treatment that can be done alone

You can eliminate genital lice with a careful and patient approach that involves self-cleaning and contaminated personal items.

These steps might help you get rid of genital lice:

  • Use lotion and shampoo. Choose some lotions and shampoos that are sold freely and designed to kill fleas. Use the product according to instructions. You may need to repeat this treatment for seven to ten days.
  • Wash contaminated objects. Wash sheets, clothing and towels used for two days from treatment with soap and hot water - at least 54 degrees Celsius - and dry them at high heat for at least 20 minutes.
  • Dry clean or store objects that cannot be washed in a closed place. If you cannot wash the object, do it dry clean or store it on a bag / bag without air for two weeks.

Prevent pubic lice

To prevent the growth of genital lice, avoid sexual contact or share sheets and clothing with someone who is infected. If you are doing treatment due to genital lice, your partner needs to be informed.


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What You Need To Know About Pubic Lice
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