Facing Emotional Turmoil After Being Sentenced to Lung Cancer


Medical Video: Tony Robbins: How To Overcome Emotional Crisis (Tony Robbins Depression)

Your feelings and thoughts may be mixed up after being diagnosed with lung cancer by a doctor. Besides feeling helpless, you might be wondering, "What is the reaction of family and relatives after knowing this?" or, "Awhat should I do? "Basically, changes in emotions are indeed difficult to avoid. The first step to managing your emotions is to recognize the signs. Check out signs of emotional change and ways to overcome them below.

Types of emotions after the diagnosis of lung cancer

Naturally, if your emotions are currently unstable. The many emotions you feel might overwhelm you, confuse, and feel helpless. Here are some types of emotions that you might feel:

  • Shock and not believe
  • Fear and confusion
  • Feel guilty
  • Afflicted with grief and sadness
  • Anxious
  • Depression
  • Angry and frustrated
  • Feel isolated
  • Feeling weak and helpless.

First understand the emotions you feel before you start looking for ways to overcome them. If you are able to regulate emotions, you can certainly fight lung cancer suffered.

How to control emotions?

Shock, denial

Shock is one of the first emotions you may experience. Shock is usually associated with a denial attempt. At first, you may not be able to accept the fact that you have lung cancer. You begin to feel unsure about your doctor's diagnosis and start looking for a second opinion from another doctor. The best way to deal with this feeling is to find information about cancer and ask as many questions as possible to the doctor. Looking for a second opinion from another doctor is legal. Through a second opinion, the doctor can confirm the diagnosis while giving you time to go through times of shock like this.

The more information you get about lung cancer, the more you learn to receive a diagnosis. This information will also help you make better medical choices.

Feeling guilty, frustrated, angry

Feeling guilty is another type of emotion that is usually followed by anger and frustration. You begin to blame all your bad habits on your own body in the past, such as regret for smoking and regret for not keeping your body as good as possible. There is no point in getting angry and blaming yourself. Immediately correct habits that can make things worse now. It's never too late to change your bad habits. Start by making a plan to live a healthy lifestyle.

Anxious, scared, confused

You may feel scared and anxious about the possibility of ineffective treatment or the condition of your lung that cannot be restored. In addition, you begin to worry about family reactions, work or normal life. Emotions like this will diminish over time. Discuss your health problems with your doctor and learn more about lung cancer. Be aware that you are not alone because there are still friends and family to lean on. Express the feelings of fear and anxiety that you are feeling. Their support will help you overcome these emotions.

Sad, depressed, depressed, weak, helpless

All emotions mentioned above can trigger stress. The best treatment for depression is to say this to people you trust. Sharing feelings with other people may be able to change your perspective on the problem. Try to join a cancer support group or talk with friends and family. Keep in mind that you are not alone.

By understanding the emotions you feel, you will be able to handle them better. Although support from friends, family and doctors continues to exist, only you can control your emotions. Stay strong and positive!

Facing Emotional Turmoil After Being Sentenced to Lung Cancer
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