4 Ways to Choose Moisturizers for Dry Skin (It Doesn't Have to Be Expensive, How come)


Medical Video: How To Get Rid Of Dry Skin | Mature Skincare | Fabulous50s

You have dry skin, be careful when choosing moisturizers for the skin. Because the wrong choice of moisturizer for dry skin can cause a variety of new problems. However, now there are a lot of moisturizing options for skin of various brands and types. Which one should I choose? Check out the summary of the following tips on choosing moisturizers for dry skin.

Choose moisturizers for dry skin

1. Get to know your skin type

If your skin looks dull, feels rough, scaly and flakes, and often itchy, chances are that your skin type is dry skin. However, you must make sure again which dry skin problems are the most disturbing and must be overcome. You also need to know what your skin type is sensitive.

You can consult a dermatologist or beautician to ascertain what your skin type really is. Only then can you determine what moisturizer is needed.

2. Moisture consistency

You are advised to choose moisturizers for dry skin in the form of an ointment or body butter because the consistency is thicker and denser. Soft cream-shaped moisturizers are more suitable for normal skin, while the lotion with the most watery or light consistency is more suitable for people with oily skin.

Also adjust the consistency of moisturizers according to the time of activity and location of use. For use in the morning and on the face, you should use a moisturizer with a rather mild consistency.

3. Moisturizing content

Reporting from WebMD, which is recommended for moisturizers for dry skin usually containing shea butter, hyaluronic acid, lanolin, ceramides, stearic acid, or glycerin. Glycerin will help draw water to your skin. Hyaluronic acid will maintain fluid balance on the skin. While lanolin will lock moisture on your skin.

Moisturizers that also function as sunblock also good for you. Try to choose a SPF 30 sunscreen moisturizer. This is to protect the skin from UV rays and antioxidants to fight free radicals.

Avoid moisturizers that use toner or alcohol-based astringents because they attract moisture from the skin. Similarly, moisturizers that contain retinol will make your skin drier.

4. Buy the small one first

You are confused about which moisturizer for dry skin try first? Relax, the trick is to buy moisturizers with the smallest size. If available, choose the one that is really small for traveling

This is so that later if it turns out you are not suitable to wear it, you do not need to throw away products that are still a lot of contents. You will also be more economical when you are still searching for moisturizers for which dry skin best suits your skin type and character.

Then look for signs of irritation or allergies such as red, itchy, or swollen skin. If irritation or allergic symptoms appear, stop using immediately.

4 Ways to Choose Moisturizers for Dry Skin (It Doesn't Have to Be Expensive, How come)
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