5 Benefits of Sauna for Health


Medical Video: Why You Need to be Using a Sauna - TOP 7 BENEFITS

Are you a sauna fan? Or you wonder what is the use of saunas that you often see on the spot the gym You? Regular sauna room has a temperature of approximately 65up to 90 degreesCelsius, and someone usually spends 15 to 30 minutes in it. Saunas can provide many benefits as long as they are used properly.

What are the benefits of a sauna?

1. Relaxation

Since long ago, saunas have been used as a method for relaxation. Hot air makes your heart rate increase and your blood vessels widen, increasing blood flow to the skin. Saunas also help promote circulation. During the sauna, your sympathetic nervous system will be more active in maintaining body temperature balance. Your endocrine / hormone system will also be involved. Your body's reaction to heat will make you more insensitive to pain, more alert, and give you pleasure. The heat makes your muscles relax, including your face and neck muscles.

To add to the relaxing effect, you might be able to try a meditation technique while you are in the sauna room. Thus, you not only experience relaxation in the body, but also emotions and thoughts. The effect will last a long time and can help you get better quality sleep at night.

2. Beneficial for the heart

A study shows that people who use saunas two to three times a week are 27% less likely to experience heart disease. The benefits of a sauna for the heart may be due to the body's response to heat. The heat from the sauna can increase heart rhythm, widen blood vessels, and relax smooth muscle in blood vessels which will help reduce the risk of heart and blood vessel disease.

3. Reducing pain

Sufferers fibromyalgia and Lyme disease can benefit greatly through a sauna to reduce the pain they experience. A study showed a reduction in pain by 20% -78% in patients fibromyalgia who do a sauna.

Other research shows that saunas can also reduce pain in sufferers rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. After undergoing eight treatments for four weeks, sufferers of the disease claimed to experience a decrease in pain and stiffness in their joints.

Saunas are also known to increase muscle strength and endurance. Therefore, some athletes used to add saunas as a method to improve the quality of their training.

4. Detoxification

Another benefit of a sauna is that this activity can help remove toxins from the body, aka detoxification. Hot air stimulates the pores in your skin to open and stimulate sweat. Along with that, toxic substances in the body will come out through the sweat that you remove. In addition, open pores also help get rid of blackheads trapped in your skin.

5. Helps to lose weight

If you do a sauna, the weight lost to your body is water weight. This is certainly not a good thing, so make sure you replace body fluids that are lost after the sauna. Being in hot temperatures makes your heart work faster and allows you to burn more calories than if you were in a room with normal temperatures. However, this effect is very small. Experts state that saunas cannot be used as a separate method for losing weight. However, adding a sauna to a weight loss plan can help optimize the results you expect.

What do you need to pay attention to during a sauna?

Even though it has many benefits, you need to be careful when using a sauna. When exposed to high temperatures and sweating long enough, you will lose a lot of fluids. One condition that of course you want to avoid is dehydration. To avoid this, drink enough water and recognize the following signs:

  • Dryness in the mouth
  • Excessive thirst
  • Headache
  • Dizzy
  • Do not urinate or the color of urine becomes thick

Elderly and people with chronic diseases such as diabetes, kidney disease, and heart failure have a greater risk of becoming dehydrated. If you have this condition, consult your doctor before you use the sauna. If you are pregnant, you may also need to consult before using the sauna.


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5 Benefits of Sauna for Health
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